PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE October 2015, Love Your Body Issue | Page 136

Who do you look to for curvy inspiration? It’s not hard for me to find curvy inspiration. I just look outside and see everyday women embracing their size, whether it’s the mother dropping her kids off at school or the college grad starting her new career. When I see my fellow curvy sisters embracing their curves it gives me life! Yes I am a plus size model and I am inspired by other plus size models but when I see a stylish curvy lady in the grocery store rocking an outfit that flatters her curves it makes me appreciate my curves even more. Why hide, what you are meant to embrace? My Ugandan Roots help me to embrace my curves; I call it a generational blessing passed down to me from my mother’s mother. The curvy women in my family give me my curvy inspiration as well What is the plus industry like in your hometown? In South Florida the plus size industry is reaching new heights. More fashion show/local designer are incorporating plus models into their lineup. Florida is mainly noted for the Commercial/Lifestyle fashion industry, so being a plus size model here is a bit favorable in comparison to other parts of the world where High Fashion modeling takes the lead and fewer plus size models are present... but that is changing as we speak. Photography by Michelle Alexandra