PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE November 2015 Indie Designer Issue | Page 128

101 modeling Madeline Jones took to Instagram to answer your most important modeling questions! Creating a Budget for Your Photo Shoot (And What Questions to Ask!) Assuming you have researched the industry and have decided to pursue a modeling career, you now have to begin the task of “testing”. Testing is when you hire a photographer and crew to shoot images for your portfolio. If you have an agency, they will most likely provide you with a list of preferred photographers to work with. If you do not, then you have some work to do. Take a look at the social media sites for plus size models that are working. Look at their sites to see their online portfolios and ask models that have worked with the photographer for feedback on their experience. If you are an aspiring model, then you are looking to do a commercial shoot - nothing too edgy. Also, you’ll want to work with a photographer that will give you direction and not just snap photos of you and send you on your way. In order to get the most out of your shoot, you will need hair, makeup and a wardrobe stylist. Many aspiring models think they can pull clothing for themselves because it seems simple. The truth is, 90% of aspiring models do not have the “eye” or knowledge to choose the type of looks that will please a potential agency or client.