PLUS MODEL MAGAZINE March 2015 Issue | Page 104

I wish this dull and draining fog of shame would lift. I think that we have come a long way in recent years, but this niggling problem of criticising those who don’t conform to what we associate with being stereotypically “healthy” is still lingering around and to be honest, I think has actually gotten worse. Health is different for everyone. Some at a natural size 6, are perfectly healthy just as some who are Tess’ 03.15 #plusmodelmag size and/or larger, are healthy. They are healthy FOR THEM. We all know our own bodies. We know what they like and don’t like and (should) know what warning signs to look out for when it comes to serious illness and keeping healthy within ourselves. I say, that in order to be healthy, we disregard the conjured-up-image of toned thighs and bulging muscles, but succumb to the idea that “healthy”, looks and IS very different for different people. There’s nothing wrong with that, just as there is nothing wrong with your beautiful body!