Dear Plumbers , The new employee in the office of the engineer
D . S ( Vollie ) Brink Pr . Eng . MSAICE , MPMISA
The new employee having completed his / her degree or diploma or certificate must now enter in a mentoring program as specified by the Engineering Council of South Africa ( ECSA ), which consists of eleven outcomes and which will be a development program to prepare the engineer for professional registration which will take several years as specified by ECSA .
A mentor will be appointed for this engineer to guide and assist him / her through this development program . The University or College or Technical Institution is responsible for practical work experience as part of the curriculum , but it is not always possible to find work for the students to get this practical experience . The economy and general development situation in the country is also a factor that makes it difficult to find practical work experience for the students as part of their education . for the development of the trainee and his or her eventual professional registration .
One of the required outcomes is that the engineer is required to be “ ETHICAL ”. This is a very important element required of any person , but it is highlighted in engineering . To be ethical
Vollie Brink is one of the industry ’ s longest-serving wet services engineers . He continues to serve on SABS committees and has been involved in the Green Building Council ’ s Green Star rating system . Brink continues to consult for various organisations while enjoying a wellearned retirement .
If the new employee is a person who has just completed his or her studies and must embark on the development program as a candidate for professional registration , then the manager in the office must appoint a mentor for this person . The mentor is responsible for the mentoree and , in the first instance , discusses the development program in terms of what it is and what it consists of and what is expected of him / her in terms of work , responsibilities , and the expected outcomes , etc .
It is extremely important to usher the new person in and when given instructions , then these instructions must be clear and allow the new person to know exactly what he or she must do and what the expected outcomes must be . It is extremely important to make the new person comfortable and make sure that he or she feels welcome .
It is also important that this new person is not being “ bullied ” by other persons in the office .
The new employee must be seen as an asset to the company and that the company will benefit if the new person is correctly trained and can work from clear instructions and support from the senior persons .
Don ’ t listen to “ gossip ” of other staff !
The ECSA eleven outcomes : These outcomes are extremely important and form the basis
September 2022 Volume 28 I Number 7 www . plumbingafrica . co . za