The existence of a standard does not always ensure that all available products meet a specific standard .
To be confident of uniformity in a product there must be checks and balances . This is accomplished by assessment conformity . Simply stated , it means that a product , material , or device has been tested and verified to meet the specification that has been developed . Assessment conformity , by any other name , means that a product , service , material , system , device , or component has underground testing to ensure it meets the intended standard for such product , material , system , device , or component . There are several organisations that perform assessment conformity and , in most cases , if a specific product , material , system , device or component meets a designated standard , the organisation may allow the placement of a mark or logo to certify that the relevant standard was successfully met .”
The South African situation We have a body , over 75 years old , the South Africa Bureau of Standard ( SABS ), who have been developing standards in all sectors . Notwithstanding a serious wobbly some years ago when this body suffered some body blows , which placed most industries in difficult positions vis-à-vis expiry of certificates and was just one mess . The consequence of this resulted in some manufacturers / suppliers seeking alternatives in both the testing and certification arenas . We now have four certification bodies , including SABS , able to perform this essential function of certifying to South African National Standards ( SANS ). We have several test centres who may be used by above bodies to test , and they will all be accredited by the South African National Accreditation System ( SANAS ) which is the only national body responsible for carrying out accreditations in respect of conformity assessment .
We also have the SA Watermark which is a register of plumbing components that complies to the relevant national SANS standard for that product .
Agrement SA which has just celebrated its 50 anniversary offers certification in the areas where SABS does not have a mark and where the product is ‘ fit-for-purpose ’ as opposed ‘ deemed to satisfy .’
So why then do we settle for less ? JASWIC was formed some decades ago by a group of municipal engineers to address the issue of water leaks arising from taps , mixers , fittings and such , and has carried on this acceptance scheme adapting to the changed circumstances as mentioned above , but still allowing for test only . Today , with four certification bodies and
Agrément SA there should be no reason to accept a test only . * Extracted from the WHO Standards for materials used in plumbing systems , Chapter 10 , Health Aspects of Plumbing , a World Plumbing Council publication . Published in conjunction with the World Health Organisation .
September 2021 Volume 27 I Number 7 www . plumbingafrica . co . za