Herman Strauss, executive director of SA Watermark.
Allen Scholtz , manager of Omega Test House.
after time. The submission of a ‘golden sample’ for design
testing is not necessarily wrong, because it confirms only the
design and says nothing about the ability of the factory to
continually reproduce the compliant design,” says Strauss.
Users must beware that a test report does not mean that a
product complies with the standard.
“Certification is the ‘ultimate’ because it verifies the
ongoing manufacturing process. Certification consists
of a process of drawing random samples over time
and checking that it conforms to the original or golden
sample. It also looks at the quality control system of the
manufacturer, which itself governs consistency.”
Only then can a manufacturer stamp his product with
the certification body’s logo to say the product on sale
meets the standard, and the consumer can rely on that
assurance. What that stamp signifies is that ‘there are
September 2019 Volume 25 I Number 7