Plumbing Africa September 2018 | Page 35

HEALTH AND SANITATION system for harvested rainwater for small-scale water supply. SOCO-DIS was compared to SODIS with the aim of overcoming the limitations of SODIS. They reported that in the SOCO-DIS system, disinfection improved by 20–30% compared with the SODIS system and that rainwater was fully disinfected even under average weather conditions due to the effects of concentrated sunlight radiation and the synergistic effects of thermal and optical inactivation. An advantage of using SODIS on low pH waters include increased inactivation rates due to the depletion of Adenosine triphosphate, the main energy storage and transfer molecule in the cells (Amin and Han, 2009). Dowbrosky et al. (2015b) investigated the efficiency of a closed-coupled solar pasteurisation system in reducing the microbiological load in harvested rainwater and to determine the change in chemical components after pasteurisation. Cations analysed were within drinking water guidelines, with the exception of iron, aluminium, lead, and nickel, which were detected at levels above the respective guidelines in the pasteurised tank water samples. Indicator bacteria including, heterotrophic bacteria, E. coli and total coliforms were reduced to below the detection limit at pasteurisation temperatures of 72°C and above. However, with the use of molecular techniques Yersinia spp., legionella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were detected in tank water samples pasteurised at temperatures greater than 72°C. 33 lack of disinfectant residual to protect the water from recontamination or microbial regrowth after treatment, (ii) turbidity and certain dissolved constituents can interfere with or reduce its disinfection efficiency and (iii) high electricity usage is required to power the UV lamps (Kowalski et al., 2000). CHLORINATION Among common point-of-use interventions, household chlorination is the most cost-effective when resources are limited (Clasen et al., 2007). Chlorination requires that the appropriate dosage be administered. Chlorination is known to be effective against bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Several studies reported on chlorination as an effective intervention strategy to prevent diarrhoeal diseases (Semenza et al., 1998; Quick et al., 1999 and Quick et al., 2002). Free chlorine inactivates more than 99.99% of enteric pathogens except cryptosporidium and mycobacterium species (WHO, 2002). One of the disadvantages of water chlorination process is the formation of disinfection by-products which may pose a health risk to consumers (Baker et al., 2002). However, when compared to the other disinfection method, it has residual disinfection. Nath et al. (2006) reported that chlorination is less effective in turbid water of > 30 NTU and that microbial contaminants may be protected by particulates in the water. Water purification is essential. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT Disinfection using UV radiation is defined as a physical method where water is exposed to a lamp producing light at a wavelength of nearly 250nm. The wavelength is l ocated in the middle of the germicidal band and is responsible for damaging the DNA of microorganisms (Bolton and Colton, 2008). Ultraviolet light treatment method often requires filtration as a pre-treatment step since it is not effective on turbid water (Qualls et al., 1983; Macomber, 2010). Several studies have reported on the effectiveness of UV as a disinfection method for harvested rainwater (Jordan et al., 2008; Ahmed et al., 2012). Kim et al. (2005) reported that the number of total coliform present in rainwater were reduced by 50% even at low exposure to UV. Advantages of using UV radiation in treating harvested rainwater include its high efficiency in the removal of microbes from water and the fact that it does not introduce chemicals or produce harmful disinfection by-products (Vilhunen et al., 2009). Despite its positive attributes in the treatment of harvested rainwater, UV treatment has disadvantages which include: (i) September 2018 Volume 24 I Number 7