Plumbing Africa PA October 2018 | Page 31

ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY Table 5.4 Red List Substances Table 4: Red list substances 1 1.2-dichloroethane [1.2-DCE or EDC] 2 Aldrin 3 Atrazine 4 Azinphos methyl 5 Cadmium 6 DDT isomers 7 Dichlorvos 8 Dieldrin 9 Endrin 10 Fenitrothion 11 Hexachlorobenzene [HCB] 12 Hexachlorobutadiene [HCBD] 13 Hexachlorocyclohexane [HCH] 14 Malathion 15 Mercury 16 Pentachlorophenol [PCP] 17 Polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB] 18 Simazine 29 discharge consents are adhered to, but this is often not the case. Regulatory environments vary considerably. Of particular relevance are small-scale cottage industries and businesses, which are either ‘permitted’ to operate or do so illegally. In informal settings, activities, such as lead recovery from batteries, small-scale mining and mineral processing, and the operation of motor garages and car-washing stations, can pose serious risks. There is not much published information available concerning these informal industries. Small hospitals Table 5: Examples of industrial wastewater data. 19 20 Trichlorobenzene [TCB] 21 22 Source: Environment Agency (2009, p. 4). Scarcity of water is a key driver for reuse of wastewater in many places around the world. Continued on page 31 >> October 2018 Volume 24 I Number 8