Another essential goal
for IOPSA achieved
Rory Macnamara
Setting up any e-learning training system is never
easy at the best of times, but to set up a whole batch
and launch, albeit in stages, is a fine achievement.
Plumbing Africa has been advised that in future
free material will also become available.
The Institute of Plumbing SA (IOPSA)
launched its e-learning training platform
on the 3 August 2020, as promised,
and the courses are a smorgasbord of
essential learning as well as topical
issues, continually testing the plumber
daily and assisting with his/her own
Divided into five sections: Hot Water, Cold
Water, Drainage, Health & Safety and Green
Plumbing; each section then provides
specific courses. These courses are done at
the applicant’s own pace and the content is
provided by specialists in their own field.
The courses are more than reasonably priced
when one considers the investment made to
produce these courses. Having said that, please
note the important sentence which appears at
the bottom of the logo:
“IOPSA E Learning management system is
a repository of relevant vetted and approved
training material created by third parties, be
it training providers or any person wishing
to upload learning content for access by the
South African plumbing community albeit for
free or paid.”
• Cold Water
○ Pressure Control Valve fault finding
○ National Building Regulations from a
plumber’s perspective
○ 10252 -1 Water Supply & Drainage
• Others in the top category are:
○ Water Harvesting and Backflow
○ SABS 10106 - Domestic Solar Water
○ SANS 10252 – 2 Water Supply and
• Let us define Compliant products and
• How to avoid endangering your customers
• SANS 1325 - Installation of Heat Pumps
There are a host of more topics, and this is the
ideal way to enhance one’s qualification and
keep abreast of developments at a reasonable
cost. PA
For more information, visit:
Some of the top courses are:
• Hot Water
○ Pressure Control Valve fault finding
○ National Building Regulations from a
plumber’s perspective
○ Electric point of use – Geysers
○ SANS 10254 -the electric water heater
October 2020 Volume 26 I Number 08