Plumbing Africa October 2019 | Page 5

CONTENTS 3 Contents PROJECTS 41 Our guide to Kramerville Design District 46 Crime prevention starts with a hot doggie bath 50 Maintenance: A day in the life of a maintenance plumber FEATURES 54 Plumbing for laboratories is all in the design PERSONALITY PROFILE 60 Barry Chipps — A career spanning slide rules to iPhones To receive your perso nal copy of #P l u m b i n gA f rica, send a mes sag 0 6 1 8 0 9 6 e n o w to 2 5 4 w it h P A02 TECHNICAL 70 Patrick Gordon: How to prevent backflow (Part 2) REGULARS 1 Fitting thought 62 Wall of shame 63 Plunger games 71 Products #SURPLUS WATER 2025 SAVE THE DATE LOCAL EVENTS INTERNATIONAL EVENTS For IOPSA events, please contact IOPSA at: +27 (0) 11 454 0025, InterClima + Elect 5-8 November 2019 Paris, France World Plumbing Day 11 March every year SwissBau 14-18 January 2020 Basle, Switzerland World Water Day 22 March every year PlumbDrain 2020 13-15 October 2020 Johannesburg Expo Centre, Nasrec October 2019 Volume 25 I Number 8 Aquatherm Moscow 11–14 February 2020 Moscow, Russia 444 78 11 Savings to date (in millions of litres) Sites monitored Number of Companies involved Don't be a drip, visit for the latest industry news, events and more. Please note: If you are receiving this publication and no longer wish to, please complete the opt out form received with the publication and fax it back to us on: +27 (0) 11 450 1920. Alternatively, please email us at: to let us know so that we can remove you from our mailing list.