I was tired of opening the door to the manufacturers and never being involved in the project beyond that point , I wanted to add more value throughout the project cycle and watch the project start take shape .
It was about making sure the products specified were fit for purpose and that the specifications met the requirements , not just for the developer but also for the people using them . women a platform be recognised and encouraged in this male dominated industry .
We want to make the connection with women and link them with the relevant networks for women to grow and secure themselves a place in plumbing .
At this point I was approached by a competitor to the company I was working at , and I turned the offer down . It wasn ’ t about the money for me , it was about taking my career to the next level .
Six weeks later I started at Grohe South Africa .
What advice do you have for women in the industry , and looking to enter the industry ? Unemployment is at an all-time high in South Africa and there is a shortage of skilled labourers , women have a place in the plumbing industry . Have courage and conviction to enter this industry . Remember we are not competing with men ; women can add value alongside men in this industry .
What would you change in the industry to make it better , and why ? Everyone can do their little bit to evoke change , and small contributions everyday could impact our society in a huge way . We live in a world of many diversities . The one thing that I would change is to challenge the norms , drive an inclusive culture where training and education is encouraged so that all candidates are able to participate and thrive .
“ Asking for help doesn ’ t mean you can ’ t do something , or that you have failed , it just means that you are not in it alone .”
These connections may be through educational programs , corporate internships , or any other affiliations that Women in Plumbing South Africa may have to give them the push that they need . Asking for help doesn ’ t mean you can ’ t do something , or that you have failed , it just means that you are not in it alone . And that ’ s what I want to say to the women of South Africa . Women in Plumbing are here for you ! PA
Please provide some background to yourself ; education , hobbies , children … I ’ ve been married for 12 years , and I have two children ( 11 and 8 ).
I love when people ask me what my hobbies are , I normally answer with “ I ’ m a mom ” – only another mom would understand what I mean . Being a mom is pretty much what you do in you spare time .
We do however enjoy cycling as a family , I won ’ t say we are competitive , we just cycle for fun .
In-between being a mom , wife , having a full-time job looking after the Commercial Division for ITD , Women in Plumbing South Africa , so , generally between the hours of midnight and 03h00 , I ’ m also a third year Strategic Management student .
The one area of my life I ’ m actively working on is trying to establish the balance between my mental and physical wellbeing , as well as nurturing and growing my relationship with the Lord .
What does WIPSA hope to achieve ? Women in Plumbing South Africa will provide women with the opportunity to be part of an organisation that is determined to give
November 2021 Volume 27 I Number 9 www . plumbingafrica . co . za