Lee Goldie:
Registered self-employed plumber
“Plumbing has evolved rapidly
over the past 30 years. We now
Lee Goldie
have specialised services for
design and engineering as well as
dedicated construction or maintenance outfits to name
a few. Each area of service applies modern technology
such as specialised leak detection equipment or
computer-generated design models and formulas.
“IOPSA has brought together our industry’s
Martin Coetzee:
Technical Rep for Cobra Watertech
“I was in Cape Town at the time they established the
Institute of Plumbers (South Africa) in May 1989. After
a few meetings they realised that they could only
achieve their aims by including the other industry role
players such as manufacturers
and suppliers. Cobra became
members in August 1989. Its main
concern was to actively promote
the importance of good quality
plumbing by means of various
actions such as establishing a
register of plumbing contractors
and plumbers, training and
qualification. Today IOPSA is
fulfilling its role of uplifting
plumbing standards to a level way
beyond those early expectations.
“The role of the plumber has
Martin Coetzee
changed from being a hands-skill
based trade to a professional
occupation with technical and SANS standards-based
knowledge, with business management skills being
critical. Technologies such as alternative heating energy,
November 2019 Volume 25 I Number 9
professionals by meeting regularly and sharing
knowledge. Plumbers have enjoyed the benefits that
come with our modern and advanced profession. We
now work smarter, safer and better thanks to choosing
to want to be the best at what we do.
“For me, plumbing conferences
have been the highlight of my IOPSA
experiences. Through the contacts
made I achieved membership to the
Chartered Institute of Plumbing Heating
and Engineering (UK) and subsequently
achieved Engineering Technician status
through the Engineering Council of UK.
“Drips Plumbing was a young
and new outfit in 1987 and there
was little or no community in our
trade. We took the initiative and
began conversations with industry
leaders to create a home for
like-minded professional plumbing
companies. Today’s plumber is no
longer just a man with a bag of
tools, but now fully equipped with
technologically advanced systems
and analytics.
“The status reflects my commitment
to professional and ethical business
practice and as a director of Drips
Plumbing, I lead my staff by example
and maintain a motivated and disciplined
work force.
“IOPSA needs to become more inclusive and reach
out to all sectors of our industry. Plumbing companies
need to be incentivised to be become members of
IOPSA and the fraternity and brotherhood which
characterises IOPSA.”
electronic mixers, energy and water efficiency are all
areas that provide unique opportunities for plumbers.
“(As to the momentous events experienced in IOPSA)
there are two: in 2006 Steve Brown as the new
president led IOPSA to concentrate on registration of
plumbers and set in motion the establishment of the
PIRB in 2008 under the leadership of Lea Smith. The
other was under president Lea Smith’s
‘Go big or go home’ challenge to
IOPSA’s executive committee and the
subsequent professionalism established
with executive director Gary Macnamara
driving many processes to the benefit of
IOPSA and the plumbing industry as a
“(As to what being an honorary
member means) - free Plumbing
Africa magazines! And an opportunity
to associate professionally with other
persons that share my interest in all
technical aspects of plumbing.
“Always remember the important role
that water and sanitation through good
plumbing plays in the health, safety and environment in the
lives of all people and the excellent position that you are in
to effectively lead the industry in that direction.” PA