Cobra Design Awards: ideas
for amazing public spaces
The hip and happening Tin Factory was the location of this year’s Cobra product
design competition awards, and provided the setting for interior designers and
members of the plumbing industry to rub shoulders. Plumbing Africa was there.
All photographs by Shawn Driman
Student designer Marcha Naudé and professional
designer Dumisani Tshabalala were announced
the winners of the 2016 Cobra Product Design
Competition. Their creative public bathroom designs
won them a trip to the Salone del Mobile Milano
Trade Fair in Italy, valued at R50 000.
George Gibbens was the runner-up in the student
category, while the design of Roxanne Ilbury and Ingrid
Jones was placed second in the professional category.
The University of Johannesburg was judged ‘Most
promising institute’.
It was the first time in the four-year history of the
competition that public restrooms took centre stage. The
entrants had to incorporate aspects like energy and water
savings, hygiene, anti-vandalism, product integration, and
ease of installation into their designs.
The judges comprised the product designer at Barrows
Design and Manufacturing, Murray Sharp; the director
at Greg Wright Architects and site interior design, Greg
Scott; the category director at Grohe Dawn Watertech,
Ronelle Badenhorst; the editor of SA Décor & Design,
Marcia Margolius; and the co-owner of Anatomy Design,
Megan Hesse.
Marcha Naudé’s design won the
category Cobra PDC student
The Cobra PDC professional
winners are, from left: Ronelle
Badenhorst (category director
at Grohe Dawn Watertech),
Dumisani Tshabalala (winner in
the professional category), Megan
Hesse (co-owner of Anatomy
Design), Murray Sharp (product
designer at Barrows Design and
Manufacturing), and Brett Solomon
(products and services executive
director at Grohe Dawn Watertech).
The entrants had to
incorporate aspects like
energy and water savings,
hygiene, anti-vandalism,
product integration, and
ease of installation into
their designs.
Continued on page 10>>
November 2016 Volume 22 I Number 9