Plumbing Africa May 2018 | Page 37

PROJECT 35 << Continued from page 33 We didn’t have to patch the walls due to the utilisation of prefabricated frames. We had much less labour doing the first fix installation because of the in-wall frames,” adds Destombes. A project of this size would often leave plumbers falling behind schedule; however, thanks to the prefabricated frames, the plumbers were ahead of schedule during this project. The prefabricated frames also came in handy for the space constraints experienced in the smaller service shafts. 1 BENEFITS OF PREFABRICATED PLUMBING • It is seven times faster, so you save up to 65% on installation time. • Fewer workers on site, making risk assessment and access control easier. • Saves time by essentially doing two phases of construction at the same time but at different locations. • Builders can build around the frames, rather than the traditional break-and-build method. • Pressure tests the system off site before dispatch. 2 3 1. R  eticulation installed pre-brickwork. 2. S  even standby elements on each vessel. 3. C  ontrol panel for the hot water generation plant. May 2018 Volume 24 I Number 3