Plumbing Africa May 2017 | Page 19

African Energy 17 New solar energy plant to be installed in Barbuda A 150kWp phase one sun2live ground-mounted solar power solution is set to save 160 860kg of CO 2 emissions annually. The government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) is striving towards the realisation of generating 20% of its electricity from renewable energy resources by the year 2020. The installation of a 150kWp clean power project on this Caribbean twin islands state, to be implemented shortly by the clean energy provider PV Energy, marks the first step in Barbuda towards the final goal of 1MWp. The grid-connected 150kWp solar energy solution in Barbuda, diligently planned and adjusted to the site and weather conditions on the island, will generate about 229.9MWh of ‘green’ power a year and will thus avoid 160 860kg of CO 2 emissions annually. The entire installation of this first phase, comprising more than 600 polycrystalline photovoltaic modules, will cover an area of 2 000m 2 and is planned for Antigua’s Public Utilities Authority’s (APUA) property next to the airport in the west of Barbuda. “Once again, the implementation of this significant renewable energy project emphasises Antigua and Barbuda’s pioneering role in terms of becoming one of the greenest electricity sectors in the whole of the Caribbean,” states Andre Matthias, electricity business unit manager of APUA. “The ground-mounted 150kWp sun2live solar power generation solution on Barbuda will further minimise the government’s reliance on expensive and polluting fossil fuels. Additionally, PV Energy, the Ministry of Energy, and the APUA will be working together to ensure that the necessary controls are installed with the 150kWp PV system, thus ensuring that the solar system integrates into the power grid without compromising the stability and security of the network. As the solar penetration increases to the anticipated 1MWp, batteries would be phased in to assist with maintaining a very stable power system in Barbuda.” PA GOAB is striving towards the realisation of generating 20% of its electricity from renewable energy resources by the year 2020. May 2017 Volume 23 I Number 3