His childhood memories, mainly, are all things sporty
and on the sports field. Growing up in Pretoria,
Hawkins attended Pretoria Boys High. Admittedly, he
was not one to really focus on academics, and his
motivation was more towards the sports field. Playing
1st team hockey and then also playing for the 18A
Gauteng North team, he was awarded with full colours
for his hockey achievements. He also participated on
the soccer and baseball fields, representing Gauteng
North in all three of these sports.
After high school, Hawkins ventured off to London to
travel and work. He spent close on three years in the UK,
which is where he also entered the plumbing world. While
working over in the UK, he landed a job as a labourer on
a construction site. It was during this time that he was
offered a job as a plumbing apprentice with the company
he was working for (Shepard’s Engineering Services).
“I spent a further two years working and learning the
trade in the UK, but I eventually returned to some South
African sunshine, which I really missed so much. Once
back in South Africa, I did my apprenticeship with a
family-owned company called Capriati and Son. I spent
three years with them and then moved on to my final
year working at Phala Plumbing before I completed my
trade test. I then started Sebenza Sanitary Engineers in
2007,” Hawkins says.
Aside from the plumbing world, Hawkins is keen on fly
fishing and golf. In recent years, he also participated in
triathlons and has done six half-Ironman races (which is
a 1.9km swim, 90km cycle, and 21km run), and one full
Ironman race (which is a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle, and
42km run). In September 2018, he and his wife, Monique,
welcomed a baby boy, Jamie, into the world, so, life after
work has now changed to spending as much time as
possible with them both. “Away from work, my greatest
achievement is finding my wife, Monique, who has showed
“There are way too many
companies out there not
working to the correct
standards set by the industry.”
me there is more to life than what the eye can see, and
after that, the birth of our son,” Hawkins proudly states.
Hawkins considers his entire journey so far an
achievement: “Building the company from the days when
it was just myself in a little Bantam bakkie with my team,
Ronnie and George [who still work for the company], to
what my brother Dale and I have built up today. We have
around 120 staff members and are a reputable plumbing
company in the construction industry.”
Hawkins believes in working both smart and hard, but
equally taking time out to reflect on what is important in life.
“When you are stressed and overworked, things will not go
your way. Take a step back, reflect, and work out your next
step. Outline what you want to accomplish, put that into your
thoughts, and positive results will follow,” he says.
Sticking to standards plays a critical role, not only for an
even playing field, but also for their intention of ensuring
best practice. Water and sanitation is after all critical
for living a ‘normal life’ today and should be seen as a
precious service.
“I feel strongly about consistency and if there was one
specific thing I could change in the plumbing sector, it
would be to regulate the industry on standards. There
are way too many companies out there not working to
the correct standards set by the industry and this is a
significant problem,” Hawkins concludes. PA
The Personality Profile is sponsored by Geberit
March 2019 Volume 25 I Number 1