Plumbing Africa March 2018 | Page 57

ASSOCIATIONS: IOPSA QUESTIONNAIRE 55 Registered plumbers: earn CPD points Answer the questions in each edition of Plumbing Africa for 11 editions and you could earn two extra CPD points this year, courtesy of the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA). We are working with IOPSA to encourage you to read your magazine and receive continuing professional development (CPD) points at the end of the year. 1. THE GLOBAL COMMISSION LAUNCHED BY IRENA WILL BE COMPOSED OF a. 120 leaders and experts on international energy and global security issues b. 12 leaders and experts on international energy and global security issues c. 12 ordinary people with views on the industry 5. GLOBALLY, DATA AND INFORMATION CONCERNING THE VOLUME OF WASTEWATER PRODUCED BY INDUSTRY ARE: a. very deficient b. totally conclusive c. adequate to make informed global decisions 2. LOOKING AT THE ARTICLE ON THE AMENDMENTS TO SANSĀ 10254, THE GAS SUPPLY TO A GAS WATER HEATER NEEDS TO BE: a. completed by a registered LPGas installer b. undertaken by anyone who is qualified only as a plumber c. connected by a registered electrician only 6. IMPROVING THE ROOF RUN-OFF QUALITY OF RAINWATER a. assists in increasing stored volumes b. minimises the quantity of piping required c. minimises the contamination levels that could be observed 3. IN ONE OF THE BUSINESS ARTICLES, SDL REFERS TO: a. Solid Development Learning b. Skills Development Levy c. Slow Drain Level 7. IN LEGIONELLA CONTROL: a. Ozone is a toxic gas that can corrode steel pipes and fittings b. Ozone is a non-toxic gas that can corrode steel pipes and fittings c. Ozone is a non-toxic gas that can extend the lifespan of steel pipes and fittings 4. ACCORDING TO VOLLIE BRINK, TO CONSERVE WATER: a. municipalities should issue buckets to everyone b. municipalities should include incentives for people to look after property outside of their building lines c. is a human behavioural issue 8. IN THE TECHNICAL ARTICLE BY PATRICK GORDON, A MECHANICAL FLUSH VALVE DOES NOT HAVE A STORED HEAD OF WATER BUT DEPENDS: a. on an electrical connection b. on the water supply that it is connected to c. purely on pressure PA Visit to register and complete your answers to the questions. March 2018 Volume 24 I Number 1