Plumbing Africa June 2022 | Page 9

requirement for a Certificate of Compliance to be issued by a Licensed plumber for any heat pump installed .
The majority of heat pumps work on the same principle as a domestic refrigerator . They use a vapour compression cycle that transfers heat from a low temperature to a high temperature body . Refrigerant is used as a transfer medium . Heat is moved from the outside air to the refrigerant in the evaporator at a low temperature and pressure . A compressor compresses the fluid and heat is transferred from the refrigerant at a high temperature and pressure to the water in the condenser . The fluid then flows through the expansion valve where the temperature and pressure drop before it enters the evaporator again and , in doing so , repeating the cycle .
Well-maintained heat pumps consume between 10 % and 20 % less energy than those units that have not been correctly maintained . In fact , an important sign that a heat pump is faulty can be a sudden rise in electricity costs . This may be because the heat pump is overworking and , therefore , drawing more energy as important components and parts have worn out .
Poor maintenance can even lead to major repairs having to be undertaken to the heat pump . Compressors , reversing valves and coils , for example , can become damaged , and their replacement an expensive and an extensive process . In severe circumstances , worn out components can also cause the heat pump to break prematurely resulting in major unwanted repair and even replacement costs . Many heat pump manufacturers recommend that their products be maintained at least once a year by the owner to validate their warranties . Bear in mind that this equipment works round the clock and is , therefore , subject to wear and tear .
When servicing a heat pump , professional plumbers will verify the correct thermostat communication , as well as controls and safety switches ; inspect belts ; and lubricate motors . Among others , they will also check refrigerant levels , as well as the electrical terminals , in addition to cleaning and tightening them if necessary .
Meanwhile , there are many problems that can occur with heat pumps if they have been installed incorrectly .
A common mistake made during the installation of heat pumps is insufficient refrigerant use . If refrigerant levels are too low , performance issues may arise , and the heat pump may become damaged .
Leaking ductwork is also another outcome of poor workmanship . Experts usually seal or rebuild the ductwork system to ensure an airtight fit .
Incorrectly sized heat pumps can also eventually cause problems for owners . Heat pumps that are too large for an application will short cycle and , if too small , they will work overtime to reach the desired temperature . In both instances , more energy will be required to operate the heat pump , and this will reflect on owners ’ monthly energy bills .
“ Savings on utility bills aside , heat pumps help reduce our carbon footprint . This technology , therefore , has a critical role to play in helping South Africa to achieve its carbon emission reduction targets . The fact that there continues to be a marked uptake of this technology in the country means that South Africans are opting for ‘ greener ’ living . However , it is important that they deal with specialists who are trained in the correct installation and maintenance of heat pumps to avoid buyers ’ remorse ,” Reynolds concludes . PA
June 2022 Volume 28 I Number 4 www . plumbingafrica . co . za