Plumbing Africa June 2022 | Page 3

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Onwards and upwards

A great issue around companies and industry where the plumber is the beneficiary .
IOPSA talks about the value of a qualified plumber doing plumbing work and particularly installation of heat pumps . Heat pumps are par for the course now and the installation is critical for the pump to do its work properly .
A company that has been quietly going about its business “ drops the curtain ” and Sunridge talks to us about their growth and their future in providing a Wholesale service to industry and particularly the independent merchant .
News from the Ariston stable in an interview with their country director for SA and the launch of the Champion Attitude Campaign which gets the winner to Italy . More in the Go the extra mile article .
Vollie Brink discusses that “ somebody who told me about plumbing products ,” which turns out to be a non-compliant product or system which just gets the plumber into trouble , Vollie reinforces the need to know the standards and what is right .
Our “ tell us why you became a plumbing contractor ” series continues with some interesting input from Darryl Brainin . I know there are many plumbers out there really wanting to tell their story so speak to me please .
Our project is the First Rand development where their main concern was for their staff and their welfare . Sadly , we were unable to get into the plant room and view the installation , but the nature of the business is such that this was not possible . Nonetheless , the project shows the commitment of an organisation to make the workplace a pleasure to work in .
Our SA Women in Plumbing series continues , and it is good to see the positiveness from the women apprentices as they commit themselves to the critical skill of plumbing .
The World Plumbing Conference to be held in Shanghai has had to be postponed again due to the Covid situation in China so one will see the removal of this event from our “ Save the Date ” calendar .
The CPD questionnaire continues and appreciation to those who are submitting correctly and thus avoiding unnecessary hassles to claim the CPD points .
So , enjoy the read this month almost halfway through the year ! PA


Rory Macnamara , Editor | rory @ interactmedia . co . za
“ Vollie reinforces the need to know the standards and what is right .”
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June 2022 Volume 28 I Number 4 www . plumbingafrica . co . za