Plumbing Africa June 2022 | Page 11


Go the extra mile with Champion Attitude brought to you by myAriston .

Rory Macnamara
We all know things are tough , and with everyone tightening belts it is all you can do to get a little extra back .
myAriston , formerly known as ‘ Heat Tech rewards ’, is a loyalty program brought to you by Ariston which gives back to you , the plumber .
This winter , you will be able to do more than just earn cash back through the program . With the launch of the Champion Attitude Campaign , you now stand a chance to WIN A TRIP TO SEE JUVENTUS LIVE in Italy in 2023 .
Be one of four myAriston members to spend two nights in Rome taking in all the sights , sounds and flavours that Italy has to offer . From Rome you will travel to Turin , the home of JUVENTUS , one of the most iconic Italian football teams . There you will enjoy a live football match in the Allianz Stadium , an experience never to be forgotten .
This competition is only open to myAriston members , so register today at myAriston . co . za , or SMS your name and surname to 45085 to take part . You will not only earn entries every time you claim points from your geyser installation , but there will also be plenty of opportunities to win extra entries as well as other prizes ranging from Ariston products to Juventus branded items . Opportunities range from trying your luck finding the Juventus ball on chosen websites , joining us for virtual Stadium Parties or telling us what makes you a champion installer .
Do you want more ? Be the first to complete all the achievement badges for extra entries and a chance to win something very special .
Photo by © Plumbing Africa Rory Macnamara
Wayne Vertue , Company Director Ariston holding the JJ football .
Getting involved is the key . Once you have registered as a myAriston member , simply Opt in to join the Champion Attitude campaign to start earning entries . Keep an eye out on the website for when new activities launch and be the first to earn more .
This exciting campaign is brought to you by the regional partnership between Ariston Africa and Juventus FC . This partnership not only brings together two iconic Italian brands , but it brings together a like-mindedness of striving to be the best , a champion in your field . Challenges deserve Champions , and with a Champion Attitude you can go the distance .
With myAriston you can earn POINTS for every geyser installed . Simply register and start claiming points , two points equals R1 . Once you reach 1000 points you will receive a Mastercard loaded with R500 cash to use at any point of sale . Every time you hit 1000 points another R500 is loaded on your card . It is as simple as that .
Get rewarded for simply doing your job with myAriston . PA
“ Getting involved is the key .”
June 2022 Volume 28 I Number 4 www . plumbingafrica . co . za