Plumbing Africa June 2018 | Page 63

CPD QUESTIONNAIRE 61 Registered plumbers: earn CPD points Answer the questions in each edition of Plumbing Africa for 11 editions and you could earn two extra CPD points this year, courtesy of the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA). We are working with IOPSA to encourage you to read your magazine and receive continuing professional development (CPD) points at the end of the year. 1. WHICH INDUSTRY REMAINS THE LARGEST EMPLOYER OF ALL RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, ACCOUNTING FOR CLOSE TO 3.4-MILLION JOBS? a. Solar PV b. Biogas c. Hydroelectric 5. IN LEGIONELLA CONTROL a. If legionella is discovered in a water system, a treatment solution must be installed afterwards b. It is important to always seek the advice of qualified professionals c. It is important to always rely on the facility manager’s judgement 2. THE EVOLUTION OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES, HAS BEEN TIED TO a. Saving vast amounts of money b. Fighting epidemics and major technological breakthroughs c. Development of waterborne diseases epidemics 6. IN THE PROJECT FEATURE, A PEX PIPING SYSTEM WAS SELECTED BASED ON a. It is lightweight and easy to lift to the top of the building b. The pipes match the colour scheme of the building c. A system with a low-maintenance track record, as well as removing the temptation of theft of copper or brass supplies 3. IN RAINWATER HARVESTING, THE MOST COMMONLY USED SOLUTIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA ARE a. Direct connection to the main water supply b. Underground tanks c. Above-ground tanks 4. THE WATER RESEARCH COMMISSION’S GREY WATER GUIDELINES ARE INTENDED TO a. Address any risks associated with the use of grey water b. Address only the impact on the environment c. Show all stakeholders that grey water is harmless 7. IN THE TECHNICAL ARTICLE, A PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE IS COMMONLY USED a. In most domestic installations b. In most industrial installations c. Only in systems that exceed 600kPa 8. IN THE FEATURE ARTICLE, CONSIDERING GREY WATER, IT IS VITAL TO NOTE THAT DISHWASHERS ARE a. Excluded, due to too little water being used b. Excluded, due to fat and grease content c. Included, due to effectively filtering used water before discharging Visit to register and complete your answers to the questions. June 2018 Volume 24 I Number 4