Plumbing Africa July 2018 | Page 31

HEALTH AND SANITATION << Continued from page 27 lower organic content, although the pathogen and chemical load varies depending on the source. to this is that the volume of treated effluent being discharged from sewage works will be reduced. Most guidelines (including these) exclude the dark grey water / Class III fraction (kitchen wastewater) from grey water reuse schemes, because it can be highly polluted with organic material, fats, oils etc. Significant amounts — 50 to 75% of water used in a household — may be grey water, which could potentially be harvested and reused in a productive manner rather than being directed to a municipal sewer. It is estimated that the reuse of grey water for toilet flushing and garden irrigation could reduce household potable water use by up to 50%. Since grey water may contain nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, it can be a potential source of nutrients for plant growth. The use of grey water in urban and peri- urban agriculture has in fact been shown to reduce the agricultural requirement for application of plant nutrients, and thus contribute to food security, particularly in poor settlements, if cognisance is taken of the potential health risks involved. A recent study has shown that when grey water diluted by 50% with fresh water is used for irrigation purposes, better, more marketable crops in terms of yield and aesthetic appeal are produced. Depending on the source of the grey water — i.e. whether it comes from the laundry or bath — it may be associated with different health risks. All water emanating from toilets (including bidets) is faecally contaminated and is considered to be black water; i.e. sewage. Certain classes of grey water, in certain households, would be better referred to as black water, for example Class II grey water should be treated as black water if a household is using washable nappies. In the same vein, water used for washing babies should not be used as grey water. WHY HARVEST GREY WATER? As outlined in the Introduction, South Africa faces a range of challenges with respect to water management, specifically related to issues of water scarcity. By 2030, parts of the country are predicted to be severely impacted as demand exceeds available supply. Additionally, 2015 was the driest year on record in South Africa, leaving many towns with extremely compromised water supply systems whilst also limiting food production across the country. This is placing pressure on the already fragile economy. POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF GREY WATER HARVESTING Pathogens in grey water can potentially cause diseases through direct contact or through the consumption of irrigated produce. Aside from these health risks, there are several potential negative impacts associated with the use of grey water: • • • • To avert a future water crisis, the country needs to prevent water wastage and ensure more efficient use. Within urban areas, individuals and municipalities need to find ways to adapt to, and mitigate the threats from, water insecurity resulting from, inter alia: droughts, climate change and increasing water demand (driven by population growth and rising standards of living). One such measure is to harvest and reuse grey water in a ‘fit-for-purpose manner’. Improving water security is one reason for harvesting grey water; another, equally important reason is the use of grey water as a resource. Economic and environmental benefits are derived from the use of grey water as a productive water source within households, as well as the reduction in wastewater loading (both in terms of quantity and quality) achieved at sewage treatment works — resulting in reduced pumping and treatment costs. An added environmental benefit related Reduced crop yield as a result of salinity, nitrogen overload, specific ion effects (e.g. boron, sodium and chlorides), high pH levels, and soil clogging effects from surfactants, oils and grease, phosphates and sodium, as well as lint, hair, etc. if the grey water is unfiltered. Soil degradation due to high sodium (sodicity), salinity and other substances — in saline soil, high sodium levels replace magnesium and calcium necessary for plant growth and absorption of water, particularly in sandy soils. Groundwater contamination as a result of movement Environmental hazards of the grey water through the soil. associated with grey water Reduced flows and higher solids content causing used for irrigation purposes. blockages in sewerage systems. PARAMETER EXAMPLES OF POSSIBLE IMPACT pH Corrosion of equipment; damage to biota; changes in biochemical processes Electrical conductivity Reduction of plant productivity; possible changes in soil properties Chloride Accumulation in soil may adversely affect plants Sodium adsorption ratio Exacerbation of soil erosion; c hanging soil hydraulic properties; reduction of plant growth Boron Accumulation in soil may be toxic to plants Phosphorous Eutrophication if excess concentrations reach surface water; bio-clogging of equipment Surfactants Accumulation may change soil hydraulic conductivity; plant toxicity Oil and grease Accumulation may change soil hydraulic conductivity Xenobiotic compounds Toxicity to biota Source: Maimon et al., 2010 29 Continued on page 31 >> July 2018 Volume 24 I Number 5