Registered plumbers: earn CPD points
Answer the questions in each edition of Plumbing Africa for 11 editions and you
could earn two extra CPD points each year, courtesy of the Institute of Plumbing
South Africa (IOPSA).
We are working with IOPSA to encourage
you to read your magazine and receive
continuing professional development (CPD)
points at the end of the year.
Visit to
register and complete your answers to the
1) Legionnaires’ disease is caused by:
a. Milligram-negative bacilli of the Legionella
b. Gram-negative bacilli of the Legionella genus.
c. Gram-negative bacilli of the Legionella
2) Most sports/gym facilities use circulating
blended hot water kept at:
a. A constant 38-42 o C.
January 2020 Volume 25 I Number 11
b. A constant 37-43 o C.
c. A constant 36-44 o C.
3) According to Chris Coetzee’s article on
Occupational Health & Safety, you should
always protect your:
a. Eyes; hands; and toenails.
b. Eyes; groin; and lungs.
c. Eyes; hands; and lungs.
4) According to the feature on Plumbing in
Healthcare, the performance of the sanitary
drainage system and how it relates to health,
safety and economy is described in:
a. SANS10400-P, P1
b. SANS10400-P, P2.
c. SANS10400-P, P3.
5) SA Watermark was recently reported to
a Commission and won the case. This
Commission was the:
a. Consumer Commission.
b. Insurance Commission.
c. Competition Commission.
6) In his bi-monthly contributed article, Mike
Muller paid compliments to a water board.
Which one was it?
a. Rand Water Board.
b. Magalies Water.
c. Umgeni Water.
7) In products, what offers complete automatic
management of most electric pumps?
a. PumpWave.
b. PumpHandle.
c. PompWave.
8) Which team thrashed England to win the
Rugby World Cup in 2019?
a. Ireland.
b. Namibia.
c. South Africa. PA