Ken Patrick reflects on his
contribution to PHACT
Ken Patrick, the outgoing chairman
of PHACT (Polymer Hot and Cold
Technology Group) has made an
enormous contribution to the
Plumbing Africa (PA) caught up with Ken Patrick (KP)
before his last day, to find out more about his history and
journey with PHACT.
PA: When did you start PHACT?
KP: The first discussion took place between myself and the late
Graham Elsey late in 2005, but the first recorded minutes of a
meeting that I can find were from mid-2006.
PA: How did the name come about?
KP: There were several suggestions and rigorous debate, but in the
end, I won! At this time there was a good deal of vague information,
mis-information, and downright lies doing the rounds with regards
to the suitability of these new ‘plastic pipe’ systems for hot water. As
a group of manufacturers and distributors we needed to put truthful
and factual information into the market about these new systems
which used engineering polymers perfectly suited and approved
to international standards for such use. So phonetically PHACT
supported this commitment to providing the real facts.
PA: What drove you to form PHACT?
KP: In South Africa, trust in polymer pipe systems for hot water
usage was low thanks to the poor track record of Polycop, which
was never designed to be used as a hot water pipe system –
certainly it was never approved for such use. Also, the only relevant
standard for polymer piping in this sector was a JASWIC R56 spec
for cold water piping (note, no mention of either fittings or hot
water). Yet internationally there were ISO standards for almost every
variant of material and system available. Our key first tasks were to
get ISO standards adopted as SA National Standards, and then to
spread information about product certifications to such standards.
PA: What was the best time for PHACT?
KP: Two instances stand out: I suppose like marriage, the
honeymoon phase was very exciting. We had over twenty
January 2020 Volume 25 I Number 11