Transformation Policy
Committee half-year
report back
By Lorraine Mooi, IOPSA Chairperson of the Transformation Committee
The IOPSA Transformation Committee
has been in operation for 13 months.
We acknowledge that our industry
and our organisation still have a lot
of work to do, but the committee is
very pleased with what has already
been achieved in such a short space
of time. We would like to thank all
the members, chairperson and office
bearers for their support in achieving
these goals.
• To continuously strive to improve
the demographic representation of
its national executive committee,
office bearers and committees as
IOPSA grows and develops as an
The Transformation Committee’s plan
of action:
Lorraine Mooi, IOPSA chairperson of the
Transformation Committee.
Report back: Since the committee’s inception just over a year ago the number of black
committee members has increased from 11 to 21. Two regional chairmen are black, whereas
before there were none. However, women remain grossly under-represented with only four
female committee members (two white, two black).
• To take into consideration government’s transformation and broad based black economic
empowerment requirements.
Report back: this is an ongoing process.
• To ensure that in all IOPSA meetings, events and functions, the spirit of this policy
document is considered.
Report back: Meetings attended by the executive director, operations manager and training
manager have been open and inviting to all races and genders. Two ‘township’ meetings had
been held in the first half of the year and we are aware of one held in October in Durban. The
committee recommended that at least two township meetings should be held in 2019 per region
and that the subject of transformation be added as a standard agenda item to all committee
meetings and plumbers’ meetings/evenings. It appears that we will fall short of this target unless
active steps are taken.
• Through IOPSA’s leadership, to show and ‘live the values’ of this policy document in the way
they interact with each other and with outsiders.
Report back: The leadership has embraced the IOPSA transformation policy and is actively
working on transformation of the sector. PA
January 2020 Volume 25 I Number 11