Fun VIP day for the family
The sixth annual Plumblink VIP Day took place at Trinityhouse
school in Centurion on 2 December 2017.
By Dineo Phoshoko
The day was especially dedicated to Plumblink’s VIP
customers, which mainly are plumbers who run their own
smaller plumbing businesses. According to Plumblink’s
Inland regional manager, Gareth Vermaak, the rationale
behind the VIP days is for Plumblink to meet and interact
with customers to ensure that they feel part of the
Plumblink family.
Vermaak explained that it was often difficult for them to meet with
these customers because of the busy schedules of the VIP-type
plumbers. “The only time you see them is when they come into
your shop for a couple of minutes. You never get the opportunity
to build a proper relationship with them,” Vermaak said. As a
result, this can lead to customers feeling neglected.
After establishing that the profile of this type of customer
were plumbers who are dedicated to both their families and
businesses, Plumblink decided that a VIP family day would be
a suitable event for the VIP plumbers. “A number of years ago,
we created the VIP day as a way of trying to bring this group of
our customers together,” explained Vermaak. The day allowed
plumbers to enjoy themselves with their families and close
colleagues while interacting with their Plumblink family.
The day was also about fun and games. It included competitions,
fun rides and activities for children, live entertainment, and
a variety of suppliers displaying their latest offerings for the
January 2018 Volume 23 I Number 11
Would you like a lift?.
Bubble wrap — children having fun with some bubbles.