Plumbing Africa February 2022 | Page 15

A huge factor influencing the safe use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas ( LPG ) in South Africa has been the never-ending load shedding affecting both households and businesses alike . This has forced many households , across the country to convert from electric stoves and geysers to LPG stoves and Water heaters . The knock-on effect has meant more appliances being sold and more installations being required .
But can LPGAS installations be done by anyone ? Let ’ s find out .
As per the OHS Act No . 85 of 1993 , the Pressure Equipment Regulation ( PER ) 17 . 1 ( c ) states ,
• No person shall :
• Install or remove an appliance , pressure equipment or system for gas in any manner other than in accordance with the relevant safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act .
• Install or remove a gas appliance , or a gas system or a gas reticulation system , unless such a person is an authorised person *.
Procedure for registering as an LPG installer Having successfully completed the required theory course for LPG installations , you now need to register as a gas installer in one of the categories listed below :
• Residential ( Domestic )
• Commercial ± Vapour & Liquid ± Vapour Only ± Liquid Only
• Industrial
• Autogas
• Road / Rail Tanker Maintenance
How is this registration obtained ? Step 1 : Apply for Temporary Installer pack and Temporary Registration Number to complete the required installations under a Mentor . Step 2 : Compile and submit your Portfolio of Evidence ( PoE ) Of Practical Work Step 3 : Assessment of Portfolio of Evidence ( PoE ) Step 4 : SAQCC Gas Registration Step 5 : 3 yearly Refresher Course and SAQCC Gas License Renewal
To verify the qualifications of LPG installers , one can visit , www . saqccgas . co . za . For further information on how to enter the LPG industry , kindly visit our website , www . lpgas . co . za , or alternatively contact our offices on ( 011 ) 886 9702 , Mon-Thurs 8:15am – 4pm and Friday 8:15am – 3pm .
SAQCC Gas is Non- Profit Company that has been formed by the four ( 4 ) Member Associations to establish a central database which displays details of registered and authorised Gas Installers to work on gas and gas systems . The SAQCC Gas has been officially appointed and mandated by the Department of Employment and Labour to register gas installers , on their behalf , within the following gas industries :
• LPGSA – Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association of South Africa ( Liquefied Petroleum Gas )
• SACGA – Southern Africa Compressed Gases Association ( Compressed Industrial and Medical Gas )
• SARACCA – South African Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association ( Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Gas )
• SAGA – Southern African Gas Association ( Natural Gas )
“ The knock-on effect has meant more appliances being sold and more installations being required .”
* Authorised person refers to a person who is registered within the scope of work for which an organisation approved by the Chief Inspector has registered that person .
February 2022 Volume 27 I Number 12 www . plumbingafrica . co . za