Plumbing Africa February 2018 | Page 3

Fitting thought 1 Plumbing Africa Subdued optimism It seems an odd equation, but the business mood in South Africa is looking positive; yet, no one wants to openly confess their optimism. Naturally, the events of 2017 caused a great deal of stress on business through erratic politics, creating a lack of confidence across all sectors and foreign investment. However, since Cyril Ramaphosa was elected as president of the African National Congress (ANC) in December 2017, we have seen real positives for ‘SA Inc.’: strengthening and stabilisation of the rand, a new Eskom board being established, a renewed standing against corruption, and the gold price remaining above USD1 300 per ounce, so it’s difficult not to be optimistic. Hopefully, the result of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, will also hold positive favour for the South African economy, which will trickle down to all industries. Turning our calendars onto February, it seems that everything is again in full swing and our December shutdowns are already a distant memory. More positives for the plumbing industry are the updates to SANS 10254, which you can read more about on page 63. In this issue, we look at the different methods of heating solutions on page 50, our project weighs in on a Boeing scale on page 38 with ISSN 1812 - 1705 Audit Bureau of Circulations Jul - Sept 2017 Controlled free distribution         3178 CONTENT MANAGER Benjamin Brits • [email protected] WRITER Dineo Phoshoko • [email protected] CONTRIBUTOR Tristan Wiggill SUBEDITOR Elaine Enslin OPERATIONS MANAGER Chantelle van Deventer • [email protected] DESIGN/LAYOUT Mpho Ngobeni • [email protected] NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES Director: Dale Macnamara • [email protected] External sales: Marcus Pearson• [email protected] Internal sales: Zeldalee du Toit • [email protected] Process coordinator: Estelle Thurtle •[email protected] As 2018 gets into drive, we have hit the ground running. the Nando’s sauce factory’s backup water supply installation, and we give a breakdown of basic mistakes made in plumbing on page 68. We also have news on the publishing of the new standard for polyethylene water and chemical storage tanks. Read our interview with the new executive of the Standards Division at the SABS who is driving change (page 5). Don’t forget to enter the Wall of Shame competition on page 66 — you too can be a winner! As always, your engagement is important to us, so if you have any compliments, complaints, ideas, or thoughts, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or call us on +27 (0) 11 579 4940. I trust you will enjoy reading another great issue of Plumbing Africa. Happy plumbing! PA Ben HEAD OFFICE Interact Media Defined (Pty) Ltd 13A Riley Rd, Bedfordview 2007 PO Box 695 Edenvale 1610 Tel: +27 (0) 11 579 4940 • Fax: +27 (0) 11 450 1920 Email: [email protected] ACCOUNTS Laetitia Arnott • [email protected] MANAGING DIRECTOR Richard Bicker Caarten • [email protected] OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Sean Macnamara, CA (SA) • [email protected] OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE • Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) • Sani`ter Africa, Plumbdrain Africa • Polymer Hot & Cold Technology Group (PHACT) • Plumbing Design Association (PDA) PRINTER Typo Colour Printing Specialists Cnr Bezuidenhout & Beaufort St, Troyeville 2094 Tel: +27 (0) 11 402 3468/9 DELIVERY/SUBSCRIPTIONS [email protected] DISTRIBUTION/MAILING CAB Holdings (Pty) Ltd 1 Trein Street, The Gables, Cleveland, 2001 Tel: +27 (0) 11 615 6572 ADVISORY COMMITTEE • Andrew Camphausen • Chris Kyle • Evert Swanepoel • Francisco Habib • Gary Chandler • Lawrence Benatar • Steve Brown DISCLAIMER While every reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the advice and information given, neither the editor, publisher, proprietor, staff nor any official body represented or published in this issue, will accept responsibility for any damages, loss, injuries or false claims that may arise or be made in the content. Disclaimers by individual companies are hereby overridden. Reproduction of any of the content is expressly forbidden in terms of the Copyright Act of 1987 with all amendments. All requests to reproduce must be made in writing to the Publisher and such confirmation must be given in writing before proceeding. A copy of where the reproduction was published must be supplied to the Publisher at the above address. No reasonable request will be refused provided all conditions are met. All Publication and Exhibition titles are registered as trade marks in terms of the Trade Marks Act of 1993 and are held by Interact Media Defined (Pty) Ltd, Reg No 2014/092774/07. INTERACT MEDIA DEFINED Reg. 2014/092774/07 | VAT. 4560266159 February 2018 Volume 23 I Number 12