Plumbing Africa February 2018 | Page 15

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS 13 CDAA members meeting in November The Copper Development Association Africa (CDAA) held its last members meeting for 2017 on 23 November. By Dineo Phoshoko On the agenda for the meeting was an opening address from the chairperson, Evert Swanepoel, and an update from Levine Warries, centre director, on the association’s projects. Also included on the agenda was a discussion on the European Copper Institute (ECI) by CEO Bernard Respaut. Lastly, well- known South African cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro addressed the audience. Swanepoel started off proceedings by welcoming all members present at the meeting. During his address, Swanepoel highlighted the CDAA’s expanding membership, with members from southern African countries Zambia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe joining. After the opening address, Warries followed with an update on the progress of the CDAA’s projects since May 2017. First up was an update on the aquaculture project where the finfish growth trials were completed. Trials took place in both marine and freshwater environments. Warries explained that marketing of aquaculture was to take place from 2018. The CDAA is working on projects that will continue throughout 2018. One of them is the water tests with assistance from one of the CDAA members, Thos Begbie, and Professor Shaheen Mehtar. Warries also mentioned the CDAA’s partnership with Open Trade Training Centre (OTTC). According to her, the training centre will be beneficial to all HVAC training technicians. In addition, the centre will serve as a networking platform for the CDAA in the HVAC industry. Over the years, the CDAA established important relationships with different organisations, such as government, the Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa (ECBSA), and the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA). Warries concluded the update by explaining that the CDAA’s relationship with the organisations would continue into 2018. The association was also very proactive in attending industry events, such as Eskom’s young scientists awards evening and the Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa (FIDSSA) conference. Respaut was up next and he discussed important activities of the institute and its planned three-year plan. Respaut was headhunted to join ECI in January 2017. He is responsible for leading a team of experts in Africa and Europe. IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES OF ECI The ECI consists of 36 people spread across nine offices in Europe. The institute has three main categories of activities that are prioritised: market development, public affairs, and administration. Each year, the institute is provided with an annual budget of R150-million to spend on the identified activities. Respaut explained that 73% of the budget is spent on market development, which entailed looking at new opportunities for copper to be used. Also included in market development was energy policies and efficiency standards — essen