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THE STAFF Employees are starved for interaction with industry outside of their workplace . To see , touch , and feel the space where their work is applied will not only give meaning to the work they do , but help to again foster relationships between the SABS and its stakeholders . “ We need to be at the front of the line to identify solutions and innovate for growth and not hide away behind closed doors . We do not have the luxury to abdicate , as we have statutory commitments and obligations . No matter how small our areas are , they are all important to achieve our overall national growth aspirations . So , it is critical for the SABS , industry , academia , consumer bodies , and research institutions to all work together ,” Motloba noted .
The more opportunities staff get to interact with markets , the more they see the value of their contributions and the work that they do , and so the intention is to engage with markets and get the staff out there in hands-on training programmes at companies , events , and exhibitions . Engagement is so important and therefore the SABS needs to take all the opportunities that it is offered and implore industry to come to the party in this regard .
THE WAY FORWARD “ Meetings have been set with all of the committee chairpersons during February , and what will come out of these interactions is for us to begin to get onto the same page about why we participate in the standards development process and what we wish to see in order to strengthen the governance and ultimately , the credibility of our work . Where some of our policies or processes require improvement or amendment , this must also be considered . Looking at what is necessary for our processes to become efficient , engagement with industry , and identifying improvements and opportunities are where the focus needs to be ; driving engagement through participation and awareness ,” Motloba concluded . PA
AENOR obtains SANAS accreditation
South African National Accreditation System ( SANAS ) has granted accreditation to AENOR as a product certification body in accordance with ISO / IEC 17065 .
The following plastic piping system standards are included :
• SANS 16422 : PVC-O pipes
• SANS 15874-1,2,3 & 5 : Pipes , fittings , and system of polypropylene PPR
• SANS 15875-1 & 2 : Pipes of cross-linked polyethylene PEX
• SANS 15876-1,2,3 & 5 : Pipes , fittings , and system of polybutylene PB
• SANS 21003-1,2,3 & 5 : Multilayer systems of PERT and PEX
AENOR , which at present has issued 22 certificates to 14 companies in accordance with the previous standards , becomes the leading organisation in the certification of plastic piping systems for hot and cold water , and heating installations according to SANS standards , being the only certification body accredited by SANAS currently for the certification of multilayer pipe systems and polypropylene piping systems .
This step in AENOR ’ s commitment to the South African market is only the beginning of an activity that is intended to be much broader and that will include more products , to which it is already working and dedicating its greatest efforts . Likewise , AENOR is delighted to meet the demands that may arise from manufacturers of other products . PA www . plumbingafrica . co . za February 2018 Volume 23 I Number 12