Adding value wins the pipe relay
With the dawn of a new year on our doorstep, the reflective question again surfaces:
what can we do better next year?
espite the obviously stressed
environment — which is the SA Inc.
story for 2018 that reverberates
throughout most sectors — the plumbing
industry in particular saw some significant
and positive movement in the grand
scheme of things. Several companies in
the plumbing arena celebrated milestone
birthdays this year, varying from 20 to 50
years in business. Inevitably, the question
on fellow plumbers’ lips is, what is the
key to their success? Not surprisingly, the
common denominators are: quality and
customer service.
In today’s world, adding value to your
customers is no longer a special offering;
in fact, customers expect added value
as the norm. Businesses of the future
need to consider what added value can
be transferred to customers to make the
service offering more convenient and
appealing. This is particularly relevant in
the water space (with plumbers being the
guardians of how this precious resource
reaches end users), where the pace of
development in ideas and technologies
happens more rapidly than our ability
to acquire the knowledge on it. Keeping
abreast of technology and changes in
the sector is also high up on the success-
factor chart — relying on the ‘same old’ is
no longer going to be good enough. The
number of serious potable water shortages
is affecting countries around the globe —
not only South Africa, but many African
countries and even Great Britain, Australia,
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and parts of Asia. This has not only been
linked to the expanding population, but
to the vast food production requirements,
industry processing, and the number
one world risk: erratic weather, which,
in recent years, has produced extreme
drought conditions in many areas.
Logic would then lead us to the point
where on-site water harvesting and
re-use will become part of everyday life.
Having knowledge of these solutions
in itself creates value for clients, not
to mention the systems that could be
installed — businesses should capitalise
on these opportunities. This year,
Plumbing Africa again covered many of
these topics to provide you with greater
insight from experts in the field, and to
highlight the importance of keeping up
to date with technology advancements.
At a recent event, co-hosted by the
Department of Science and Technology,
there was a lot of debate about the
future of our water. One topic that
was discussed particularly sparked my
interest: decentralised wastewater
systems and specifically, on-site waste
management, which potentially will
change the entire water and plumbing
sectors. Given the time it would take
to process required legislation and
standards, if and when this is eventually
implemented, plumbers would need to
understand the technology and processes
involved as no doubt, they would be the
ones fielding calls when something goes
wrong. Through the tough times, the
future always holds exciting prospects.
Having been a part of the plumbing
industry for nearly 25 years, Plumbing
Africa always aims to add value to
our readers, online communities, and
exhibition media platforms and so, we
will continue to provide you with relevant
class-leading information that empowers
businesses through specialist industry
intelligence. We encourage your feedback,
so please engage with us — what you have
to say is important to us.
I would like to take this opportunity to
introduce you to the latest member of the
Plumbing Africa team, Warren Robertson.
Warren joins us as senior writer and will
be your go-to contact should you wish to
share any news, events, projects, technical
articles, or just your comments. Warren
has been writing across many sectors over
the years and has built up a significant
understanding of many industries. Please
contact Warren on +27 (0) 11 579 4940 or
at [email protected].
I look forward to 2019 being a year of
progress and further positive changes
for the plumbing sector as we embrace
change and technology.
Happy plumbing!
Sean Macnamara, CA (SA)
• Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA)
• Sani`ter Africa, Plumbdrain Africa
• Polymer Hot & Cold Technology Group (PHACT)
• Plumbing Design Association (PDA)
Typo Colour Printing Specialists
Cnr Bezuidenhout & Beaufort St, Troyeville 2094
Tel: +27 (0) 11 402 3468/9
[email protected]
CAB Holdings (Pty) Ltd
1 Trein Street, The Gables, Cleveland, 2001
Tel: +27 (0) 11 615 6572
Benjamin Brits • [email protected]
Warren Robertson • [email protected]
Elaine Enslin
Chantelle van Deventer
[email protected]
Selina Morulane • [email protected]
Director: Dale Macnamara • [email protected]
Process coordinator: Estelle Thurtle
[email protected]
Interact Media Defined (Pty) Ltd
13A Riley Rd, Bedfordview 2007
PO Box 695 Edenvale 1610
Tel: +27 (0) 11 579 4940
Fax: +27 (0) 11 450 1920
Email: [email protected]
Laetitia Arnott • [email protected]
Richard Bicker Caarten
• Andrew Camphausen
• Chris Kyle
• Evert Swanepoel
• Francisco Habib
• Gary Chandler
• Lawrence Benatar
• Steve Brown
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Plumbing Africa Directory 2019