Clarify your business ’ s vision Improving communication and achieving employee cohesion means nothing to the sustainability of your business if nobody knows where you are heading . It is vital that your people clearly understand your strategy and vision . Gone are the days of vision and mission posters on the walls – not that anyone will see them now anyway . Companies today need to cut out the jargon and engage meaningfully with their workforce about the company ’ s strategy and how this translates into to day-to-day activities . Every single person in your company has a role to play in executing strategy , and this must be communicated in a way that makes sense to them . Do not take it for granted that everyone interprets your goals in the same way .
Identify what your business really needs , and adjust Businesses need to be leaner and meaner ; and this will look different to every organisation , but pragmatism should be at the core . From my perspective , it means there is no longer room for bureaucracy and strict rules . Companies need to move away from clock-watching and towards outcomes-based operations , where employees are given the freedom to live their lives while meeting business objectives and key performance indicators .
To achieve this , it also means communication barriers need to be broken down . Employees must be empowered to get direct answers to their questions and move closer to the decisionmaking functions in the company . With the death of the traditional workspace , perhaps traditional management hierarchies also need an overhaul .
Consider the wider community Businesses need to remember that we do not operate in isolation . While indeed there is competition amongst us , we can also share in each other ’ s success . As a 100-year-old firm , we feel that it is our responsibility to help emerging businesses , to share our knowledge , and to use our resources to make a bigger difference . This is important for SMME development , but it also extends to corporate social responsibility . Any company that has survived thus far through the pandemic can consider itself a success , and is probably in the position to give back to some extent . We know this to be true for Knight Piésold , and we will soon be ramping up our efforts in this regard .
No business was prepared for the pandemic , and we are all still learning on the job . These five lessons come from my daily experience of navigating a large company through a global crisis , and I feel that every company can interpret these lessons to work for their specific context . Ultimately , the lesson is that employees are the heart of your company , and they need your focus and consideration . PA
“ While some companies were better prepared than others , everyone had lessons to learn .”
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