Plumbing Africa April 2021 | Page 15


The challenges of the maintenance plumber

Rory Macnamara
Plumbing Africa chatted with Lior Solomons of Morningside Plumbers in Johannesburg , who is a through and through maintenance plumber .
Not that the construction plumber does not face challenges , but the maintenance plumbers face different challenges at each job .
“ When you arrive at a job it is only then that you have to figure out the details of ‘ how to ’. It may be a blocked drain , but only when on site , is it possible to establish the pipe configuration or whatever the problem is . Granted , one should experience both construction and maintenance , but maintenance plumbing is where one is going to learn the ‘ tricks ’. Textbooks provide the knowledge in terms of standards , pressure , hydraulics and so on . The practical part of apprenticeship is application , but under the watchful eye of the qualified plumber , the learning is on one specific task at a time .
“ While with construction , the plumber ensures that what has been specified and what appears on the plan is done , maintenance is not quite the same . “ Every job is different , and one becomes adept at problem solving , which is a skill just as important as the skill of Plumbing ,” says Solomons .
Whether in a residential or commercial situation and no matter what the problem is , the solution can always be an adaptation of the one of the solutions used previously , but never the same .
“ This is what makes maintenance plumbing so challenging ,” says Solomons . “ When dealing with the problem the first time , we tell the customer that if the problem persists , ( such as a continued blocked drain ), we suggest to the client that we need to investigate further , especially in the commercial environment . Such an investigation may reveal broken pipes and such . At this stage , the solution put to the client is to replace the pipes to offer a long-term solution .
© Plumbing Africa | Rory Macnamara
From left : Dean Chait , operations and Lior Solomons , owner .
“ Solomons stresses the importance of acquiring a business mentor and a ‘ go to ’ experienced plumber to bounce ideas off .”
April 2021 Volume 27 I Number 2 www . plumbingafrica . co . za