Plumbing Africa April 2020 | Page 57

57 HEALTH AND SANITATION 57 HEALTH AND SANITATION Regardless of the work environment, start with an inspection of the work area. "Attempting to ‘prevent’ the fall is the most effective form of Fall Protection." Ceilings Working in a ceiling. Before entering the ceiling space, turn the electricity off. Once all electricity has been turned off, complete a pre-work risk assessment of the roof cavity by looking around the ceiling space to identify hazards that may pose risks. These may include: • High temperatures • Type of lighting • Evidence of vermin • Type of insulation material • Sharp objects • Accessibility to the work area • Asbestos • Location of electrical wiring and water or gas piping. Carrying out work in ceiling spaces • Work in teams so another person knows that you are there, in case of a needed rescue • Drink enough clean water so you do not dehydrate • Carry an extra light with you, such as a torch • Carefully move around the area to prevent slipping and falling • Step carefully on ceiling joists or other beams – not the ceiling material • Use the right tools – preferably manual or battery-operated tools • Note where electrical cables are to prevent contacting live wires • If any electrical cable or equipment is damaged, consult with the owner and engage a licensed electrical contractor to inspect the installation • Wear the right, safe-to-use and correctly fitted personal protective equipment (PPE) when working in dusty ceiling spaces, including: • Disposable particulate respirator. • A head-covering and goggles, to avoid eye irritation • Long-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing and gloves, to minimise skin contact with insulation material • Wearing appropriate footwear. • Keeping your work areas clean and clear of fibres and dust and place waste in plastic bags capable of containing the dust. PA April 2020 Volume 26 I Number 02