Plumbing Africa April 2018 | Page 64


AENOR can provide alternative product certification

Ricardo Galan from AENOR recently visited South Africa to meet with the Polymer Hot and Cold Technology Association ( PHACT ), as well as the Joint Acceptance Scheme for Water Installation Components ( JASWIC ).
Polymer Hot and Cold Technology Association
This was the outcome of several years of effort to create a workable product certification service for local manufacturers / distributors to fill the void recently left when sudden changes in the existing certification procedures proved impractical .
Galan answered some points about AENOR , their activities , and future intent in the South African market .
BACKGROUND TO AENOR AND WHAT THEY DO AENOR is primarily a certification facility based in Spain , with branches in 12 more countries , mainly in South America , Europe , and Morocco . For the plastic piping systems certification , we have issued certificates to more than 200 factories in 30 countries . AENOR is also the owner of CEIS , an internationally recognised testing facility for the plastic piping systems with all the accreditations to carry out full testing over products .
WHEN AND WHY DID AENOR GET INVOLVED IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN MARKET ? In 2014 , two of our local ( European ) clients who intended to market their PVC-O pipes covered by a certificate in South Africa , asked us to assist with product certification . At approximately the same time , we were approached by PHACT to investigate product certification to South African National Standards ( SANS ) for hot and cold water polymer pipe systems .
Since we offer such certifications to ISO standards already , and since those same ISO standards form the basis of the respective SANS , it was a relatively simple thing for us to be able to offer the service . Of course , we had to gain accreditation from SANAS ( South African National Accreditation System ) in order for us to be able to offer valid certification , but all this has been achieved and is currently active .
At present , we offer certification under the following standards :
• SANS / ISO 15874 ( Polypropylene hot and cold water piping systems )
• SANS / ISO 15875 ( PEX hot and cold water piping systems )
• SANS / ISO 15876 ( Polybutylene hot and cold water piping systems )
• SANS / ISO 21003 ( Multilayer hot and cold water piping systems )
• SANS / ISO 16422 ( Bi-axially oriented ) PVC piping for pressure pipe .
ARE CERTIFICATIONS VALID IN SOUTH AFRICA IN TERMS OF THINGS LIKE THE BUILDING CODES AND LOCAL BY-LAWS ? Yes . One of the reasons for my visit has been to meet with JASWIC . Some time ago , JASWIC agreed that they would accept product certification awarded by bodies other than the SABS towards JASWIC acceptance , providing such bodies were properly accredited by SANAS . Having achieved this SANAS accreditation , the holder of an AENOR-issued product certificate , on application to JASWIC , can then have their product / system added to the JASWIC accepted list .
My understanding is that almost all the metropolitan areas within South Africa use this list to verify whether a product may or may not be used . Building inspectors can check on this list to ensure only approved products are used . So yes , our certificates are entirely valid and , via JASWIC , the products can be legally used on building sites throughout the country . Additionally , we have just defined during our meeting a direct communication channel with JASWIC to provide them with all the additional technical information they could need to recognise the AENOR certificates .
WHAT CERTIFICATIONS ARE ON OFFER AT PRESENT ? We have awarded 23 product certificates to SANS and several more are in the process of being adjudicated .
MANUFACTURERS ’ RESPONSE TO BEING ABLE TO GAIN CERTIFICATION VIA AENOR With relief , I think . Many of our new clients have told us that they have lost large contracts because they were
April 2018 Volume 24 I Number 2 www . plumbingafrica . co . za