Plumbing Africa April 2018 | Page 23

ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY 21 Wastewater and industry (Part 2) The extent and nature of industrial wastewater production highlights the opportunities from the use and recycling of wastewater, and the recovery of energy and useful by-products. Extracted from United Nations World Water Development Report 2017 ADDRESSING THE RESOURCE CHALLENGE If wastewater is accepted as a positive input, rather than an unwanted output of industrial activity demanding disposal, there is a logical and preferred process from its elimination to proactive use and recycling. RECYCLING WASTEWATER AND RECOVERING BY-PRODUCTS Recycling within a plant. Overall, industry is in a good position to use or recycle its wastewater internally. This might involve the direct use of untreated wastewater, provided its quality is good enough for the intended purpose. Cooling and heating water, as well as rainwater, may be suitable for washing, pH adjustment, and fire protection. However, process water, which is sufficiently treated to match resulting quality with intended purpose, has more potential for recycling, for example in conveying materials, rinse water, water-cooling towers, boiler feed, production line needs, dust suppression, and washing. This quality is accomplished by decentralised treatment systems. While the technology is generally available, and there is a trend to reduce the gap between treatment and recycling, obstacles may include implementation, costs not outweighing benefits, long payback periods, maintenance, and increased energy consumption. Moreover, the location and availability (intermittent, batch or continuous production) of the wastewater stream must fit with its intended use. Using wastewater or recycling treated wastewater is a process that can be repeated many times. It not only reduces the cost for industry of acquiring freshwater by decreasing intake, particularly in areas or times of scarcity, but also has the added benefit of reducing discharges. In this way, the need to meet regulatory standards and the risk of fines is minimised. Data shows that manufacturing is the greatest generator of wastewater among the main industrial sectors. Co ntinued on page 22 >> April 2018 Volume 24 I Number 2