Have you had your dose of online scams?
Most likely, you have gotten an email saying that you have won a prize or the lottery or something. If you have it probably looked like this.
Now a days with the Internet everywhere, scammers and con-artists are trying to suck out all the money they can from innocent bystanders. Here are some major scams and how to protect yourself from them.
"Nigerian 419" scams: The Nigerian 419 scams are emails you get about someone who wants your assistant to help themselves or a large amount of money to get out of a distant country.
They will usually offer you money if you help them, but you will only get it when they or the money is in a "safe place" aka Australia, America, etc. If you accept their offer and give them your details they will keep emailing you back asking for more of something, usually money, because of complications.
If you get one of these emails, then the best thing to do is ignore it and delete it. European lottery scams: These scams are like the Nigerian 419 scams. The difference is that they say that you have won the European lottery. The one above says that I have won roughly $137,000,000 Aussie dollars.
https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/content/index.phtml/tag/ reportascam/
Again, if you get one of these scams, delete it straight away or follow these steps at is website here