PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 46

Old Smokey BBQ
Want to Go Birding ?

Old Smokey BBQ

Are you looking for some award winning BBQ ?
We are bringing our BBQ offerings to local farmers markets – where you can taste the difference in person and bring some home to your own family .
Wed : Bethesda United Methodist Church & St Paul Park , Kensington MD Thur : Potomac United Methodist Church Sat : Kensington & Pike and Rose Farm Markets Sun : Bethesda Central Farm Market
www . oldsmokeybbq . us terns , and the effects of climate change on bird species .
As a documentary filmmaker , I wear many hats as a producer , cinematographer , and editor . One of my jobs is securing grants to help with the production costs . Bird Walk was funded in part by the Maryland State Arts Council , the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County , Women in Film and Video , and the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter .
Bird Walk premiered at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton , Maryland in May 2024 to a full house of 120 audience members . I have now embarked on an outreach and distribution funding campaign to bring Bird Walk to towns and cities across the U . S . and to create a screening toolkit . Through the film , I would like to inspire kids and adults to discover the joys of birding and motivate them to protect
Photo : Stephon Sterns
Cintia Cabib filming Karsyn Sterns at RedGate Park for her documentary .
our declining bird population .
To learn more about Bird Walk , my fundraising campaign , and how you can host your own screening of the film , visit the film ’ s website at www . birdwalkfilm . com .
Cintia Cabib is an independent producer , cinematographer , and editor . Her documentaries have aired on public television stations nationwide , been purchased by organizations and educational institutions , and screened at numerous venues throughout the U . S . Learn more about her films at www . cintiacabib . com .

Want to Go Birding ?

There are several organizations in the Washington , D . C . metropolitan area that offer bird walks and birding activities :


Busy to Cook ?
Let us prepare meals for you and for those special folks you care about ! Delicious homemade meals , delivered fresh !
EAT Well be well
We look forward to serving you !
202-438-7876 www . ew-bw . com n Montgomery Bird Club : www . montgomerybirdclub . org n Nature Forward : www . natureforward . org n Montgomery Parks : https :// montgomeryparks . org / activities / birding / n DC Bird Alliance : https :// dcbirdalliance . org /
Here are some recommended items for your birding outing :
4 Binoculars 4 Field guide to learn about the common birds in your area 4 Merlin mobile app that will help you identify birds by photo or sound 4 Waterproof hiking shoes or boots 4 Insect repellent and hat for sun protection 4 Consider wearing a long-sleeved shirt and pants to protect you from insect bites , ticks , and poisonous plants 4 Backpack or fanny pack for hands-free viewing with your binoculars 4 Camera to take photos of birds