PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 36

Ag Preservation Program Options
How it Works
Who Administers It
Primary Source of Funding
Montgomery County Agricultural Easement Program ( AEP )
Eligible land of 50 acres or more is reviewed for its ag value . Landowner may receive a payment for an easement to extinguish development rights forever . The land must remain in ag use and can never be subdivided , except for building by an immediate family member .
MoCo Office of Ag , with Ag Preservation Advisory Board ( APAB )
State Agriculture Transfer Tax
Transfer of Development Rights ( TDR ) - Most significant source of preservation in the County , has preserved 52,000 acres . 4500 + TDRs remain .
Landowners can create 1 TDR for every 5 acres of land , or 5 TDRs per 25-acres . Landowner receives a cash payment for an easement to relinquish development rights forever . Those rights are bought by a developer seeking greater density in a “ receiving area ” down county that meets requirements .
MoCo Office of Ag , with APAB , via Park and Planning , private developers and real estate brokers
Developers who purchase TDRs
Building Lot Termination Program ( BLT )
For landowners with 50 acres or more and who have obtained an approved waste disposal system by Dept . of Permitting Services . Landowner may receive payment for an easement to relinquish development rights forever . Those rights are bought by the County or a developer seeking greater density in a “ receiving area ” down county that meets requirements . Development rights are transferred from Ag Reserve to Commercial or other zoning . BLTs are valued at higher rates than TDRs .
MoCo Office of Ag , with APAB , via Park and Planning , private developers and real estate brokers
Developers who purchase BLTs , and County funds
Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation ( MALPF ) - State fund created 1977 , has preserved 300,000 + acres statewide .
Land of 50 acres or more is reviewed for eligibility . If approved , landowner receives cash payment for easement to relinquish development rights forever .
Maryland Dept of Natural Resources , with MALPF , and local management by MoCo Office of Ag
Maryland Program Open Space ( POS ) funds , via state real estate transfer tax
Maryland Environmental Trust ( MET ) - 1100 conservation easements protect 140,000 + acres statewide
Landowner donates development rights to MET , based on independent appraisals of Fair Market Value , and receives a tax deduction for the value of the development rights .
Maryland Dept of Natural Resources ( DNR ), in collaboration with multiple local and regional land trusts
Landowner receives deduction on federal taxes
Rural Legacy Program ( RLP ) - 885 easements have protected 120,800 acres statewide .
Grant application process to save public land from development . Uses state funds and public / private partnerships , reviewed at the County level . Land must have access for the public .
Montgomery County , Maryland DNR
Maryland Program Open Space funds ( POS ), via State real estate transfer tax
Legacy Open Space Program ( LOS )
Protects land with significant value for threatened species , unique ecological communities , a variety of habitats , exceptional viewscapes , or architectural and historic importance . Land must have access for the public .
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission , Montgomery County Parks
POS funds , some MoCo general funds , private donations
Private Land Trusts
Landowners can directly donate development rights to local land trusts , based on independent appraisals of Fair Market Value . They receive a tax deduction for the value of the development rights .
Sugarloaf Countryside Conservancy operates in Montgomery County .
Landowner receives deduction on federal taxes
36 plenty I summer growing 2024