PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 34

months through hot summer and well into fall when the family then heads elsewhere .
Momma Foxy and the Dum Dums
The first sight of Momma Foxy was breathtaking : her striking red coat , that tail , and stride … elegant , intelligent , commanding . And like the other moms she seemed to be looking for some comfort here . Though we live in Montgomery County ’ s spacious Agricultural Reserve , it is not a wildlife reserve . Farming is understandably the prime land use and there are forests and fields but there is forest loss and development and fast fast cars . So , if a wild mom can find a safe haven on human home acreage — it is a win for all .
Two years of regular visits to share the deck-delivered kibbles , on occasion at the same time with Momma Raccoon and the Voltors , and our pal Dimitri the possum , led to a big surprise this spring : she made her safe den under the shed and delivered five stunning
kit foxes dubbed the Dum Dums by my son . With the Dums Dums it has been less seen and more heard . They rumble and tumble under the shed and squeal terrible funny fussing sounds . Unlike the other family folks they have not come to the deck or asked for food . But one morning recently Momma Foxy and the Dum Dums stood together on the garden walkway , visible to us as we ate breakfast . And for a long moment , we joined with mutual regard , an understanding of both their wildness and their bond with this place and our affection . We have learned much over these several year s — how to regard the natural world as integral to our well-being , how to balance our human activities with supporting the expanded wild family that we share space with … how to live in awe of the beauty of all living things .
Caroline Taylor serves as executive director of Montgomery Countryside Alliance and lives with her family in the Reserve . She finds joy in soil and forests and all the living things .
If so , we passed the test , sharing meaningful eye contact and chatting amiably . They got the drift : “ Beautiful birds ,” we cooed . But the absolute best was to come and has repeated its cycle each year since : the emergence of the chubbiest , fluffiest babies you ever could see . The Lumpy Dumpies are carefully guarded before their “ public ” showing and even then , remain in the dog house and run for some time . But then it is time to get out and spread their funny little wings , madly hopping about and demanding more food from both parents . And this maturing season lasts for
34 plenty I summer growing 2024