PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 24

Have you ever noticed a dandelion ’ s coarsely shaped leaves look like teeth ? The name comes from a French phrase “ dent de lion ” which means lion ’ s tooth .
a whole new one will grown in no time . They are rapid growers and go from bud to seed in days , but each plant can live for years . Over time their roots will dig deeper and deeper — some roots have been found as deep as 15 feet !
And children and dandelions ? Perhaps it ’ s the only flower a child can pick without being reprimanded ! They can be made into necklaces and strung into banners . What mother would reject a bouquet of its silvery asteroidal orbs ? A dandelion is a message of hope , healing and resilience . It also is a symbol of happiness , positivity and the warmth of life . The dandelion represents the three celestial bodies of the sun ( the yellow flower ), the moon ( the puff ball ) and the stars ( the dispersing
seeds ). That ’ s rather heavenly , don ’ t you think ? And if you are given a dandelion , you are being flirted with as the flower means coquetry . I ’ ll take one !!
Hungry ? Thirsty ? Dandelions are wonderful in salads . The bitter young leaves can be used as greens while the flower itself can be used in jellies and syrups or as a garnish in your salad . The leaves are rich in vitamins , A , C and K , and minerals such as iron and potassium . Dandelion quiche , delicious ! Dandelion wine , yum . Roasted and ground roots make a caffeine-free coffee substitute with a rich flavor . Dandelion tea ... well , I ’ ll meet you for a cuppa out on the lawn , hopefully a yellow-dotted one alive with a million potential magical wishes !
Lorraine Rose is a native Montgomery County-er ! She has picked and wished and blown perhaps a thousand dandelions flowers , and almost every wish has come true . She is still working on World Peace !
A Healthy Dandy Salad

Fresh dandelion leaves are bitter greens loaded with vitamins and minerals with a peppery taste like arugula . They can be safely harvested right out of your yard if it has not been treated with chemicals . Young and tender leaves from dandelions that have not flowered yet are best . To reduce the bitterness soak cleaned leaves in cold water for 30 minutes and pat dry .

Apples , pears , strawberries , goat cheese , walnuts , almonds and other milder greens are wonderful accompaniments to your dandelion salad . Even the yellow flowers of the dandelion are edible and can top it off !
Finish off your salad with a homemade olive oil , lemon and garlic dressing .
24 plenty I summer growing 2024