PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 21

Mountain Bike Trails
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Montgomery County , MD Branch SVP
Hoyles Mill
Conservation HM-5 Gunner ' s
Branch Local Park
Strider WMA
South Germantown Recreational Park
Seneca Creek State Park DB-1 Hoyles Mill
Duty Ranger : ( 443 ) 534-5837 Conservation
Strider WMA
Park HM-3
Seneca Creek HM-2
State Park
Schaeffer Farm Trails PL-2
Seneca Creek State Park
PL-3 SG-15
Seneca Creek State Park
SG-13 SG-14
SR-20 SR-32
SB-13 SB-14 SR-22
SG-11 SG-12
Seneca SR-24
SR-25 SG-10
Black Rock
SR-28 Mill
Seneca Creek Seneca Creek
State Park State Park
Seneca Creek State Park
Serpentine Barre Conservation Pa
- North Unit
Serpentine Barrens Conservation Park - North Unit
Conservation Park - South Unit
Map Extent
Map created by MORE ( Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts ) February 2021 , in cooperation with Montgomery Parks and Maryland DNR , and funded by the Recreational Trails Program administered by MD State Highway Administration . lSenecaB u fs
Ye low
Seneca Blu fs
Gr eenw ay
Seneca luffs
Gr eenw ay
Hoyles Mi l
W hite ite
W h
Tunnel under Rt . 28
Muddy Branch SVU 3
Muddy Branch SVU 2
Muddy Branch SVU 1
MB-3 MB-4
Natural SurfaceTrail - Single Track
Trail - Gravel Road
Trail - Asphalt Road or Path MB-6
! ! ! Trail - No Bikes Allowed
Paved Path § ¨ ¦ 270
SH-18 l
Trail Intersection Point and ID
¾Æ¾P Parking
¡© Bike Park Park Authority
Mongtomery Parks Serpentine - M-NCPPC Barrens
Dierssen WMA State of Maryland - DNR
U . S . Federal
C & O Canal SB-10
Callithea Farm National
Special Park Historical Park
Mountain Biking Trail Rules Please stay off the trails when muddy / wet
Bikers yield to hikers and horses Bikers yield to uphill riders
Mountain Bike Trails Maintained by MORE
Leave no trace ! ( Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts )
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 www . more-mtb . org Miles
Service Layer Credits : Sources : Esri , HERE , Garmin , USGS , Intermap , INCREMENT P , NRCan , Esri Japan , METI , Esri China ( Hong Kong ), Esri Korea , Esri ( Thailand ), NGCC , ( c ) OpenStreetMap contributors , and the GIS User Community National Geographic , Esri , Garmin , HERE , UNEP-WCMC , USGS , NASA , ESA , METI , NRCAN , GEBCO , NOAA , increment P Corp .
C & O Canal
C & O Canal Towpath
Powerline Trail
R idge
Mu dy Branch nSenecaGree w ay
Sen ec a Ridge
Powerline Trail
Dra u ght
Lo n g
Dr a ught
G ink
H ollow reenway
Lak e Shore
S eneca Greenway
Mu dy Branch
An “ aid station ” during the annual MoCo Epic ride . About 1,000 riders go 10-70 miles , with several aid stations to keep them going .
connections between parks . For instance , MORE was instrumental in advocating for and building the natural surface trail connection in Hoyles Mill Conservation Park between SCSP and Black Hills Park .
There are so many trails in this area that we have assigned location numbers to many trail intersections to help people find their way . We are also active in providing ideas to Montgomery Parks for future trails . This map was designed and installed by MORE at every numbered intersection shown on the map . All trails shown are open to all non-motorized users .
I personally got involved with MORE when I moved to Rockville in 1993 . A new friend introduced me to mountain biking — I had been a road cyclist for many years — and I quickly decided it is something I wanted to keep doing . Then I learned that many mountain bikers believe they have to put in the work to have places to ride off road .
Luckily for me and MORE , the Department of Natural Resources had fairly recently purchased the 2000-acre Schaeffer Farm property and added it to SCSP . At the time there was a bit of a tussle about whether mountain bikes would allowed on the ( then planned ) 13- mile long Seneca Greenway Trail from Riley ’ s Lock to Rt 355 . DNR offered that we could build trails open to all users at Schaeffer Farm if we agreed not to contest that the Greenway Trail would be hikers only . So by 1994 , a group of us were building new trails by hand .
We knew a lot less about trail design at the time , and made a few smallish mistakes but fixed them over the years following . It ’ s a common mistake to put trails on flat ground , but after the trail gets pounded down by feet , tires , hooves , the water just stays on the trail . So we moved the trail off flat areas and onto side slopes . Schaeffer Farm first opened in 1995 with four miles of new trail . Since that time MORE has helped build almost 25 miles of new trail in SCSP .
While it has gotten easier to get approvals and funding for new trails for biking , there still remains a strong ethos of volunteering
among mountain bikers . MORE tries to create positive volunteering experiences for those who want to give back to the trails . We provide tools , on site training , sometimes food and drink , and the satisfaction of seeing real improvements on our trail systems after only a few hours of work with fellow outdoors people on a weekend day . I guess that is why so many volunteers keep coming back . While a typical trailwork day has 5-15 volunteers , when we kick off building a new trail , we get 50-100 volunteers per day . Through lots of planning and organizing , we try to make this a success for everyone . Our trailwork days are open to all , and when we can , we work jointly with hiker and equestrian groups .
When it comes to riding , our biggest club event is the annual
Trails are built for all users . Sometimes bumps and other features are placed along the edge of the trail , allowing users to do small jumps safely .
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