found that artificial lights dropped
meadow flower visits of more than
300 different species by more than
62 percent! These insects spent
more time being drawn to the
lights, than they did foraging in
the flowers. This resulted in fewer
fruits and seeds, and therefore
fewer plants. Fewer plants mean
less wildlife. Less wildlife negatively
affects soil composition and
water quality, and the ecosystem
on the whole suffers. Though
light pollution in the Ag Res is
less pronounced than it is down
county, it carries a subtle, but far
greater economic threat due to its
proven negative impact on crop
production. Longtime residents in
the Reserve know the importance
of keeping the night sky dark, but
newer residents often bring city
habits with them and keep outdoor
lights on all night, unwittingly
degrading the health of the Ag Res
even more.
Despite the decline of the wild
pollinator population, the show
must go on, and farmers nationwide
have placed the success of
their crops in the hands of domesticated
honeybees. By maintaining
hives, beekeepers work with
honeybees to supplement what the
diminishing wild pollinator population
could never achieve. Their
impressive foraging range and seasonal
productivity make massive
US food production possible. And
it is hardly a secret that without
pollinators, our food chain would
be in very real danger of collapse.
Unfortunately, domesticated
honeybees are facing profound
survival threats as well. Despite
the attentive care of beekeepers,
the average hive loss per winter
locally can be anywhere from 40 to
Photo: Joe Long
Bee-Saving Top Ten
10) Turn off your lights. Leave city
ways in the city, so rural areas
can remain rural! Replace floodlights
with motion sensor lights,
and save a host of moths and
bats and other night time critters
from deadly distraction.
cover for many species over the
cold months.
Leave dead trees where they
are, so bats, birds and bees have
essential shelter.
Plant early flowering trees,
such as Cherries, Black Locust,
9) Plant wildflowers in your garden,
such as: Butterfly Milkweed,
Purple Coneflower, Seaside
Goldenrod, Wild Indigo, Blue
Lobelia, Coreopsis, White Clover,
Parsley and Dill in your yard.
Redbuds, Native Crab Apple,
and Tulip Poplars. The Reforest
Montgomery Program has
coupons for native trees at local
nurseries, and can save you a
8) Cut your lawn high, at least
3.5”, allowing natural clover to
bloom for pollinators.
3) Avoid chemical pesticide use.
If you have to use pesticides, use
them properly!
7) Don’t fear or eradicate dandelions!
They are one of the
critical early sources of pollen in
the spring and the leaves feed
caterpillars (baby butterflies and
2) Allow part of your yard to revert
to wild cover and woods for
habitat. Naturalizing will save
you considerable money and
time! Gone are the days of the
eco-decimating 1950’s lawns.
6) Allow dormant and dead
plants to stand over winter.
The mess you see is an essential
1) Support your farmers and
orchardists in Montgomery
County’s Agricultural Reserve!