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foods ! For our fourth CSA season , we are partnering and growing in cooperation with our friends of East Rivendell Farm . Our CSA harvest will run 30 weeks , beginning the week of April 29th and finishing the week of November 18th with shorter options as well . We offer shares for pickup at two different locations : Love & Grit Farm in Germantown and East Rivendell Farm in Damascus . Shares include 7-8 items each week packaged and ready for pickup , with additional access to eggs , broiler chickens , pork shares , an herb cutting garden and more .
Kristin Rydland loveandgrit . com ( 240 ) 863-4731 farmer @ loveandgrit . com
n One Acre Farm Boyds , MD One Acre Farm is a Certified Naturally Grown farm serving families in Montgomery County and DC . The farm , prioritizing both soil and farm team health , produces a diverse mix of vegetables for CSA shareholders . It also works closely with Manna Food Center to provide fresh nutritious vegetables for our community .
Michael Protas oneacrefarm . com support @ oneacrefarm . com
n Red Wiggler COMMUNITY Farm Germantown , MD Founded in 1996 and certified organic , our mission is to be a sustainable Care Farm where people with and without developmental disabilities come together to work , learn and grow healthy
food . Half of our produce is distributed to low-income and underserved residents in Montgomery County . Volunteer and educational opportunities are available . On-farm CSA pick up only , with pick-your-own flowers and herbs included all season long . Compost service is also included with CSA membership . Learn more at our website .
Rachel Armistead www . redwiggler . org / csa ( 301 ) 916-2216 csa @ redwiggler . org
n Sandy Spring Gardens Ashton , MD We want you to know your farmer , know your food . As a Certified Naturally Grown producer of a diverse array of fresh vegetables , we have farm stands at the Olney Farmers and Artists Market , at Friends House Retirement Community , and at Brooke Grove Retirement Village . In addition to online sales through our web store , we deliver thousands of pounds of fresh produce to Manna Food Center and food relief programs across Montgomery County . Our 2024 CSA program offers full shares for 25 weeks , running from May 12 to November 5 . Pick-up is at our Ashton location on Fridays or at our Friday or Sunday farmstands .
Tom Farquhar sandyspringgardens . farm ( 240 ) 357-2609 Tom @ sandyspringgardens . farm
n The Farm at Our House Brookeville , MD Grocery store style CSA , located on land owned by Our
House Inc , a rehab home for adjudicated young men . Organically certified mixed vegetables and fruits in full and half shares ; dairy egg shares also available . Pickup locations : Brookeville , Bethesda and Rockville .
Farmer Grossman www . thefarmatourhouse . com ( 202 ) 412-5698 thefarmatourhouse @ gmail . com


n Cut Clover flowers at Hidden Ridge Farm Clarksburg , MD April through November we have gorgeous mixed bouquets and arrangements available on a weekly basis through our website . Order online by Tuesday , pickup at the farm Fridays and Saturdays . Perfect for a weekend dinner party , hostess gift or self care , our flowers are grown organically and arranged thoughtfully to reflect the best the season has to offer .
Emma Jackson Cutcloverflowers . com
n grateful gardeners Poolesville , MD For Spring 2024 we are offering a 6 week mixed bouquet share April-May that we deliver on Fridays to select local areas .
www . gratefulgardeners . co
n GYPSY Flower Farm Poolesville , MD Brighten up your day with organically grown cut flowers artfully arranged in a beautiful seasonal bouquet . By signing up and becoming
a Gypsy CSA member , you will be pampered with an assortment of colorful and unique flowers in season each month starting from May through October . We offer two bouquet CSA share options to choose from : Tulips in March and a CSA with a beautiful and seasonal assortment of flowers from spring through the autumn season . Pickup on Fridays at the farm and at Poolesville Hardware .
Farmer Sid Egly ( 240 ) 778-4358 sidegly @ yahoo . com
n Sungold Flower Co . Dickerson , MD Offering a 3-week peony share beginning in May with 2 pick-up options : Locals Farm Market in Poolesville ( Fridays ) and Love & Grit Farm in Germantown ( Saturdays ). Enjoy one of the most show-stopping blooms of the spring season . Offering garden trays as well : cut flowers , natural dye plants , veggies and herbs !
sungoldflowerco @ gmail . com
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