PLENTY-SPRING-2024-joomag PLENTY Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 28

The fresh new green of spring has sprung at Linden Farm in the Agricultural Reserve .

Agriculture and rural open space supported by the Montgomery County League for 30 + years

BY Susan Albertine , President , League of Women Voters of Montgomery County

Trekking out to pick berries in Butler ’ s Orchard in the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve with her brother and grandmother was always an event for then 8-year-old Alex . “ We would plan out what kind of dessert or jam we were going to make with the berries , gather what felt like a million different containers , and head out on what was one of my favorite drives ,” she remembers . “ My brother and I would fill half of a container and then sit down and eat the whole thing while our grandmother kept reminding us ‘ eat off the bush , not out of the bucket , you need to fill the bucket !’ Then once we ’ d eaten our weight in berries , and filled the bucket , we ’ d head back to the house and make cobbler , pie , or jam to eat after dinner . I can ’ t wait until my daughter is old enough to

go berry picking at Butler ’ s with me in a couple of years .”
So many have so many memories like this . And for that we need to thank those who have been resolute in supporting preservation of this open space . One of these steadfast supporters has been the Montgomery County League of Women Voters .
Raise your hand if you think the League of Women Voters ( LWV ) is only about women . Now raise your hand if you think the League is only about voting . If you raised your hand , it ’ s time to think again . Men have joined the LWV and actively contribute to our mission , and the League is about much more than voting . But , not unsurprisingly , when League members say that they are on the LWV Agriculture Study Committee , the
28 plenty I spring sowing 2024