Plenty Sport : EZINE Issue 11 Dancing | Page 6

6 ISSUE № 10, SEPT 2014 The “GAMe” of MATch fixinG And sporT Match fixing occurs when teams or individuals intention- group game the day before, and West Germany and Aus- ally loses a game, or do not perform to their best to ob- tria knew that a West German win by an exacting 1 or 2 tain a perceived future financial or competitive ad- goals would qualify them both. After 10 minutes of all- vantage. When motivated by gambling, it requires con- out attack, West Germany scored. After the goal was tacts between gamblers, players, team officials, and/or scored, the two teams kicked the ball around aimlessly even referees. In most times such is often difficult to for the rest of the match. As a result, FIFA changed its prove. It can manifest itself in as simple things as irra- tournament scheduling for subsequent World Cups so tionally made substitutions and or keeping good players that the final pair of matches in each group are now out due to phantom injuries. As a dated sporting activity played simultaneously. in itself, its occurrence can be sited as way back as 1919 Most notable examples at the Summer Olympics oc- in which it is perceived that several members of the Chi- curred when 4 badminton teams were disqualified for cago White Sox conspired with gamblers to fix the intentionally losing matches to allow better pairings in World Series. the knockout stages of the competition. The Badminton Beyond gambling reasons, Match fixing can also occur World Federation charged the four pairs with when through throwing a match, a team can face an easi- “deliberately underperforming”. Even Cricket has been er opponent in the next round, making them more likely scandalized by gambling and match fixing allegations. In to win. In the case of the North American draft it can be the case of Hansie Cronje, the former South African cap- claimed that historically in order to secure a higher pick tain was banned from playing or coaching cricket for life. in the leagues next draft, games were thrown deliberately In terms of T&T the most popular incident could well be especially with the team already out of contention. But in the 1974 World Cup Finals when T&T lost a crucial also At times deliberately losing a game could be the game against hosts Haiti 2–1 after being denied five result of a planned protest action and or as in the case of goals. The referee, José Roberto Henríquez and linesman commercial wrestling to provide entertainment value. James Higuet were subsequently banned for life by FIFA One of the most famous incidents occurred in the 1982 for the dubious events of the match. In these cases the FIFA World Cup . Algeria had already won their final damage of match fixing is very hard to digest.