Plenty Sport : EZINE 17 Roller Skating | Page 5

3 ISSUE № 17, OCT 2015 Taye... “rolling” wiTh a Mission ! Tayé Allen is a student of St Mary's College, Port-of-Spain. His aim is to one day become an Olympic speed skater for T&T. He has been skating for 8 years already . Although no national team as yet exists, he meanwhile see the importance of learning the basics of swimming, skating and surfing to remain allround. His original learning occurred at the Laventille Community Centre and at the Barataria Basketball court, where he engaged in biking, skateboarding and skating. His original pair of skates was 3 sizes too big ,but this did not stop the interest. Since then he often frequents the Barataria Sportsplex, which serves as an indoor roller skating rink on weekends. As a member of RSATT, Taye participates in the many in country skating excursions occurring. This allows him to develop many new friendships which further increases his love for the sport. Taye also continues to ride BMX, swim, play hockey and is also a member of the 6th Trinidad Sea Scouts. Plenty Sport FREE ADVERT Campaign. Call (868)620-8567