ISSUE № 17, OCT 2015
“Answering the call to ROLL.”
Internationally the sport is administered by
the International Federation of Roller Sports
(FIRS) and there are several disciplines of
the sport which are recognized. These include international competitions in Speed
Skating, Freestyle Slalom, Speed Slalom,
Artistic Roller Skating, Roller Derby, and
Roller Hockey.
Although Trinidad and Tobago has never
Roller skating dates back to London 1743
when it was used in theatrical performance in
London. The design of the roller skates has
been fine-tuned many times since, including
the inline skates used today. Even in the
1800’s roller skates were being mass produced in the U.S. By the ‘1970s and ‘80s
roller skating became more fashionable with
the advent of roller rinks, parks and eat driveins and even roller discos. The introduction
of the single-line of wheel style of skates
(rollerblades) has paved the way for roller
sports to be associated with maximum speed
and dexterity.
been represented at any of these competitions
to date, RSATT (the Roller Sporting Associ-
disciplines in the sport. Over the past 2 years
ation of Trinidad and Tobago) was estab-
RSATT has organized several small skate
lished in 2013 to achieve the following ob-
meets, competitions and training sessions in
areas inclusive of Couva, Bon Air, Mt. Lam-
-To promote and develop roller sports in
bert and La Romaine. Attempts are being
Trinidad and Tobago.
made to established clubs throughout Trini-
-To provide opportunities for members to
dad and Tobago. In 2016 the plan is to stage
train and develop their skills, talent and
the first National Skate Games. For contacts
knowledge of the sport.
on this promising sport see page 4.
-To organize events, exhibitions and competitions for local skaters.
To provide local skaters with regional and
international exposure to various competitive