ISSUE № 16, SEPT 2015
Alicia Khan
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Joanna Piango
Alicia is hearing and speech impaired
Eleven year old, Joanna Piango is a
and attends the Lady Hochoy School in
pupil of New Beginnings Educational
Penal. She was enrolled at the Lady
Centre and she has been involved in the
Hochoy Home, Penal at the age of ten
sporting discipline of Equestrian for the
(10). The first sports she played was
past three years. At the recently com-
Bocce and Floor Hockey. She stated
pleted Special Olympics International,
“Special Olympics has given me a
held in Los Angeles California, Joanna
chance to show that I can and will be a
won three gold medals for the follow-
star in the sports that I play and I will
ing: English Equitation, Dressage and
make my school and community
Working Trail Level C. Joanna’s coach
proud.” Alicia represented Trinidad
retired Inspector Errol Grant comment-
and Tobago at Special Olympics World
ed, “Joanna is a pleasant child to work
Games Los Angeles 2015. She won
with, she has a lot of discipline and
gold in her three events which she en-
always tries to do what is asked of her
tered, Singles, doubles and team. She
in training, she is also well behaved.”
has a very good understanding of Boc-
Joanna’s teachers are very proud of her.
ce and takes it seriously .
PHOTOS courtesy SOTT.