ISSUE № 16, SEPT 2015
“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
-ciples and traditions of the Olympic Games
and as such holds World Games every two
years; alternating between winter and summer sports. The intent is to provide a variety
of competition opportunities for athletes of
all abilities by offering official events of various degrees of difficulty and challenge. Athletes can participate in specially modified
events such as the 25m Assisted Walk
In 1968 The First International Special
Olympics Games were held in Chicago’s
Soldier Field where 1,000 individuals with
special needs from the USA and Canada
competed in track and field, swimming, and
floor hockey. The Special Olympics was
founded on the belief that people with learning disabilities can, with proper instruction
and encouragement, learn, enjoy and benefit
from participation in individual and team
sports. These must be adapted only as necessary to meet the needs of those with mental
and physical limitations. The Special Olympics World Games are patterned on the prin
(athletics) or the 15m Flotation Race aquatics). There are also events for athletes who
coach other athletes and make decisions
use wheel chairs. In team sports, lower-
about the organization’s future. By 1977 the
ability athletes who are not yet ready for
first International Special Olympics Winter
team play can participate in Individual Skills
Games were held in Steamboat Springs, Col-
Competitions. For example, in Football
orado and by 1982 the Special Olympics was
(Soccer) athletes can earn medals for per-
introduced in Trinidad and Tobago. The
forming the skills of Dribbling, Shooting,
sports currently offered out of T & T include
and a Run-and-Kick event.
Aquatics, Basketball, Bocce, Cricket, eques-
As a subset, the Special Olympics Athletic
trian, Floor Hockey, Football, Gymnastics,
Leadership Programs offers athletes the op-
Powerlifting, Track & Field and Volleyball.
portunity to take active roles both on and off
The programme is administered by the Spe-
the playing field. Athletes serve on the
cial Olympics Trinidad and Tobago Commit-
Board of Directors, officiates competitions,
tee out of Delhi Street, St. James.